The girls are in Dean Steel's office. He has a request for them: he'd like the two of them to take care of Wing as he's starting out school, like a student mentor [NOTE: The specific word used is 'senpai']. Lena offers to introduce him to the professors at school. He then joins your party.

MAGIC (AUTOMATIC)| At this time, Wing should already have the following 5 spells: Heal, Ice Lance, Flame Bomb, Psi Storm, Ice Sword


Wing - Heal| Heals everyone somewhat greatly
Wing - Ice Lance| Powerful ice attack
Wing - Flame Bomb| Tossing a fireball
Wing - Psi Storm| Strong gust of wind
Wing - Ice Sword| Ice attack

Go downstairs towards the first floor.

As you pass the door on the second floor, Wing stops and says he feels strong magic power coming from the other side of the doors. It's the Forbidden Door, however, and so they'd be unable to open it anyway. [NOTE: There's a pun between the word 'unopened/forbidden' (akazu) and 'side-dish' (okazu). I tried to translate that over here, but it doesn't work so well.]

WING: Um, Lena? I sense some strong magic around here.

LENA: Call me Lady Lena!

WING: Ok... um, Lady Lena.

LENA: I was joking. Don't call me 'Lady' anything.

ELLIE: Lena... it's hard to tell from your tone of voice when you're joking and when you're serious...

WING: Anyway, it feels like there is strong magic power sealed within these doors... I wonder what it is?

LENA: Oh, don't you know? This is the For-breading Door [okazu no tobira]. It's used for making dinner... I think.

ELLIE: I think you mean the Forbidden Door [akazu no tobira]

Go down to the first floor and towards the exit.

Brown is there, pondering over the repairs of Ien; he reassures Wing that this wasn't his fault. He then mentions that if Prof Richter were there, it might be better--he could fix anything.

LENA: Don't you worry about Wing. We're taking care of him

BROWN: That's what has me worried. Oh... if only Prof Richter were here. He was the professor of Construction Magic; there wasn't anything he couldn't fix.

OPTIONAL| Talk to Prof Emma on the first floor of the School Tower.

Prof Emma hsa heard from the Dean about Lena and Ellie taking care of Wing. She's also impressed that someone with such strong magic ability has such a reserved personality. In any case, she's rather tired, so she decides to take a nap.

LENA: Say... Do you all think that Prof Emma is acting kind of weird?

OPTIONAL| Go around town to talk with each of the professors.

If you go to the northwest corner and talk with Prof Dadis, he sees that Senia has returned already... Although he's looking in Wing's direction as he says this.

If you go to Brune's Classroom and talk with Prof Brune, he recognizes Wing as the person who burned the town. Although he's well aware that Wing was being controlled at that time. Wing apologizes again, much to Lena's irritation.

If you speak with one of the students in Kent's Lab, he says that Professors Kent, Richter, and Hyde are all rivals of one another.

If you go to Iason's Dojo and speak with Iason-sensei, he also recognizes Wing as the person who burned the town. It's good that the dojo didn't burn, remarks Lena, but if the entire town were to burn down then the dojo would still probably be in one piece. Anyway, Iason-sensei explains more about Prof Richter, that Richter is the one who planned out all the buildings in Ien, though he didn't protect them all from magic fire. Wing apologizes yet again, irritating Lena once more.

MAGIC (OPTIONAL)| Go to Kent's Lab and talk with Prof Kent a couple of times. He teaches Wing the Gravity spell.


Wing - Gravity| Weighty attack

Go into the Dormitory and up a little bit.

Wing says that it might be better if he not go in, since some students might still be upset with him. Lena tries to convince him to come in, since everyone knows that he was being controlled during the entire fire incident. Lena then makes a deal with him: to make up for burning the town, they'll go look for this missing teacher, Prof Richter. Wing agrees.

Go to the southeast room on the first floor of the Dormitory, and talk with Ant.

ANT: Listen up!! There's supposed to be treasure behind the Forbidden Door in the School Tower!

If you talk with other people in the Dormitory, most are talking about the rumored treasure and the Forbidden Door.

Go to exit the Dormitory.

Ellie stops, saying she has a bad feeling about this. The boys come up and barrel out the door again, talking about the treasure they're going to get to first.

Exit the Dormitory

Lena's tired of hearing everyone go on about that treasure. Though Ellie suspects that Lena wants to go after that treasure more than anyone--Lena happily confirms this. Ellie suggests that they should probably continue to look for Prof Richter, for Wing's sake, so she asks him. Wing says that he doesn't mind either way, and will go along with whatever Lena wants. So, it's off to the School Tower.

Go to the School Tower and up to the third floor.

Ant is in the Dean's Office, asking the Dean to open the door on the second floor. He asks why, and Rick says that there's supposed to be treasure there. Dean Steel says he's never heard that before. Before he continues, Glen pulls him aside, suggesting that the Dean tell some kind of lie to distract them (which the boys, nor the girls and Wing, presumably can hear).

STEEL: Ok, so... I dropped the key to the door in the forest.

LENA: Say, Wing? That door was sealed by magic, not a lock, like you said.

The boys are about to run out, so the girls and Wing exit the School Tower ahead of them.

Exit Ien by the southeast and go to the Coastal Forest.


Go southeast from town and cross the bridge. From there, go southeast and into the forest (with the large tree).


Go through the Coastal Forest to where Ant and the boys stop to talk.


Go all the way south (you'll see Ant and the boys run ahead of you here), then turn east and follow the path northeast.


The boys are looking for the key, but can't find it yet. Ant tells them to split up and search for it. Back to the girls, Ellie questions if there really is a key; Wing said the door was sealed by magic, after all.

In the forest, check on Rick.


From where you saw the boys talking, go a little bit east and take the first path north, and you'll see Rick.


Rick is there, muttering about finding the key.

In the forest, check on Kule.


From where you saw Rick, go a little bit east and take the first path south. Keep going south until you see Kule.


Kule is still unable to find the key.

In the forest, check on Ant.


From where you saw Kule, go back north and take the next path you see west. Then, take the next path you see going south. You'll see Ant there.


Ant is resolved not to lose to Lena and the girls this time. Lena says that's impossible. She also reassures Ellie that they won't be seen; the boys are too wrapped up in looking for that key that they won't notice a think around them.

In the forest, go back to check on Rick.


From where you saw Ant, go a little bit west and take the next path north.


Rick exclaims that he's found the key. He rejoins Ant and Kule.

Continue through the forest to check on Ant and the boys again.


From where you saw Rick find the key, go east all the way and take the second path south.


Ant congratulates Rick on finding it; Rick's just happy to be of use. Except for one detail.

ANT: ...hey, this isn't a key.

The boys run off to the south.

Follow the boys in the forest.


From where you saw the boys run off, continue south all the way. Follow the path all the way to the west.


Lena and the others confront the boys. After the usual "what are you doing here?" questions, Lena asks him what he has in his hands. Ant says it's a key to the door. Lena points out that the door is sealed by magic, so that key will be of no use; Wing confirms. The boys don't believe them, though, and run back through the forest.

Exit the forest.


Go all the way back east, then follow the path north until you see a path back to the east. Take that path east all the way, then turn southeast, and continue until you see a path north. Take that path north all the way to the exit.

Go back to Ien.


From the forest, go directly north and cross the bridge. Then go northwest and enter town.


Go to the School Tower and up to the second floor.

The boys are looking for the keyhole, and can't find it. Lena reiterates what she said before. Ant is still stubborn, however, and tries to open the door by other means. Unsuccessful, Rick and Kule cart him off. Lena's won yet again!

Go to the top floor of the School Tower.

Ant asks the Dean about the door again, saying there's no keyhole for the key. The Dean thinks it over (wondering why they believed him) and says that there should be a keyhole somewhere there. Wing and Ellie understand what the Dean is trying to do in confusing them.

MAGIC (OPTIONAL)| Before opening the door in the School Tower (when you exit the School Tower, be sure to keep your distance from the door on the second floor), go to Brune's Classroom and talk with Prof Brune. He teaches Wing the Tornado spell.


Wing - Tornado| Powerful wind attack

MAGIC (OPTIONAL)| Before opening the door in the School Tower (when you exit the School Tower, be sure to keep your distance from the door on the second floor), go to Ralph's Library and talk with Prof Ralph. He teaches Wing the Flame Box spell.


Wing - Flame Box| Targeted powerful fire attack

Go to the second floor of the School Tower and approach the door.

Lena says that since Wing is the one who can sense the magic seal on the door, he should try to open it.



Wing says an incantation and opens the door.

LENA: Ooh, butterflies!

ELLIE: Wing, what is all this?

WING: ...huh

LENA: What do you mean 'huh'? You're the one who opened it!

ANT: What happened? Oh, you opened the forbidden door!

LAYLA: Oh my, what beautiful butterflies... They look oh so very lovely...


Layla says she'll go on ahead to find the treasure. The haze emanating from the open door strikes her, and she stumbles inside. Lena runs up and the same thing happens, but Wing pulls her back. Ant then pushes all of them aside to run in to find the mountain of treasure that's supposed to be inside. Everyone's acting strange, notes Ellie...

BLADE: This reminds me of the time I ate those mushrooms in the mountains!

ELLIE: Blade, you shouldn't eat mushrooms you don't recognize...

Dean Steel teleports in, seeing that the door is open. (Lena points the finger at Wing.) Anyway, the door isn't supposed to be opened, says the Dean. He explains that this area is the result of a joint experiment between some of the professors; there was supposed to be a large quantity of caterpillars sealed inside. Blade, surprisingly, suggests that it must be the doing of Professors Kent, Richter, and Hyde.

In any case, the Dean says that you all need to take care of the consequences of opening this door. In other words, Lena and the others have to go and rescue the other students. Before you go, Dean Steel casts a spell over everyone that protects them from illusions. Blade also agrees to go with Ellie and the others to help the students who ended up trapped inside the room.

STEEL: If you see Prof Richter, then please ask him if he'll come back to us.

LENA: O... kay?

Once inside, Wing says that it looks like they've been transported into an entirely different room. Now it's time to save those students, maybe find Prof Richter, and (at least for Lena) find some treasure.


MAGIC (OPTIONAL)| Before going through the cave behind the Forbidden Door, go up to the transport pad and exit the room. Go to the first floor of the School Tower and talk with Prof Emma several times. She teaches Wing the Life spell.


Wing - Life| Revives or restores condition and heals completely

MAGIC (OPTIONAL)| Before going through the cave behind the Forbidden Door, go up to the transport pad and exit the room, and then exit the School Tower. Go to Iason's Dojo and talk with Iason-sensei a few times. He teaches Blade the Drain Slash spell.


Blade - Drain Slash| Attacks and drains HP from enemy


COMBINED MAGIC| Before going through the cave behind the Forbidden Door, now is a good time to pick up some combined magic spells by combining spells in combat (on the field between the Port and Ien is good, as the enemies are weak and good target practice). Remember that you have to:
(1) Use two or more magic spells that can be combined in battle
(2) Get a message saying that those spells can be combined after battle
(3) Talk with Dean Steel (multiple times) to learn the new spell.

MAGIC (OPTIONAL)| In a single battle, use: (Ellie) Dive Attack + (Blade) Wind Shot. Enter Ien and talk to Dean Steel in the School Tower multiple times, and he'll teach Ellie+Blade the Blade Diving spell.


Ellie+Blade - Blade Diving| Launches Blade from great height

MAGIC (OPTIONAL)| In a single battle, use: (Ellie) Flaze + (Wing) Flame Box. Enter Ien and talk to Dean Steel in the School Tower multiple times, and he'll teach Ellie+Wing the Backdraft spell.


Ellie+Wing - Backdraft| Enclose the enemy in fire

MAGIC (OPTIONAL)| In a single battle, use: (Ellie) Flaze + (Wing) Tornado. Enter Ien and talk to Dean Steel in the School Tower multiple times, and he'll teach Ellie+Wing the Flaze Tornado spell.


Ellie+Wing - Flaze Tornado| Unleash a fire-and-air tornado

MAGIC (OPTIONAL)| In a single battle, use: (Ellie) Dive Attack + (Wing) Flame Box. Enter Ien and talk to Dean Steel in the School Tower multiple times, and he'll teach Ellie+Wing the Seven-Headed Dragon spell.


Ellie+Wing - Seven-Headed Dragon| Rain fire down from the sky


Go back into Ien, up to the second floor of the School Tower, and into the room behind the Forbidden Door.

Go through the Forbidden Door cave until you find Layla.


1F: From the entrance transport pad, go directly south. Take the first path going west and follow this to another transporter. From there, go north and northeast to another transporter. From there, go southeast and, where the path splits, go northeast and follow the path until it curves back south to another transporter. From there, go directly south, and take the transporter on the southwest (bottom-left) corner. From there, go directly north to a red transporter.

2F: From the red transporter, go a little bit west and then directly south. Follow this path until it splits, and take the path going southwest. Keep following this path until it curves east to the next transporter. From there, take the transporter on the west (left) side. From there, go directly north.


Layla calls out for help. Lena runs up and pokes fun at her. But eventually, Blade leads the others to fight the three monsters around her.

LENA: Announcement everyone! This is Layla. Listen now as she reflects deeply on all the mean things she's done.

BOSS BATTLE| Defeat the 3 Crawlers.


After the fight, Layla runs off... deeper into the cave.


OPTIONAL| After saving Layla, you have the chance to learn a few new magic spells. To do that, first exit the cave and go back to Ien. (NOTE: You may be able to skip this and just learn it in the next chapter, if you don't want to go back through the dungeon again. But no guarantees.)


2F: From where you saved Layla, go south to the transporter. From there, take the transporter on the east (right) side. From there, go a little bit west and continue north. Take the next path going northwest and follow it north then back east to the red transporter.

1F: From the red transporter, go south to another transporter. From there, go all the way to the north and take the transporter at the end of the path. From there, go a little north and then a little southwest. Take the first path you see going northwest to the next transporter. From there, go directly south to the next transporter. From there, go southeast and take the next path north to the entrance, and exit the cave.

MAGIC (OPTIONAL)| Go to Terena's Classroom and talk with Prof Terena several times, and she will teach Blade the Sea Breath spell.


Blade - Sea Breath| Strong gust of water


COMBINED MAGIC| Before going back through the cave behind the Forbidden Door, you can pick up another combined magic spell by combining spells in combat (on the field between the Port and Ien is good, as the enemies are weak and good target practice). Remember that you have to:
(1) Use two or more magic spells that can be combined in battle
(2) Get a message saying that those spells can be combined after battle
(3) Talk with Dean Steel (multiple times) to learn the new spell.

MAGIC (OPTIONAL)| In a single battle, use: (Blade) Sea Breath + (Wing) Tornado. Enter Ien and talk to Dean Steel in the School Tower multiple times, and he'll teach Blade+Wing the Maelstrom spell.


Blade+Wing - Maelstrom| Unleash a wind-and-water tornado

OPTIONAL| If you exited the cave to learn the extra magic spells, then go back to the School Tower second floor and enter the Forbidden Door again. Go back to the place where you saved Layla.


1F: From the entrance transport pad, go directly south. Take the first path going west and follow this to another transporter. From there, go north and northeast to another transporter. From there, go southeast and, where the path splits, go northeast and follow the path until it curves back south to another transporter. From there, go directly south, and take the transporter on the southwest (bottom-left) corner. From there, go directly north to a red transporter.

2F: From the red transporter, go a little bit west and then directly south. Follow this path until it splits, and take the path going southwest. Keep following this path until it curves east to the next transporter. From there, take the transporter on the west (left) side. From there, go directly north.


From where you saved Layla, continue through the Forbidden Door cave until you find Prof Richter's first log.


2F: From the room where you saved Layla, go directly west to the next transporter. From there, go all the way to the west and take the transporter at the end (not the red one). From there, go south, and continue southwest all the way until you reach the red transporter at the end of the path.

3F: From the red transporter, go northwest to the next transporter. From there, go all the way north and take the transporter at the end of the path that leads north. From there, go directly northeast, and where the path splits, continue going northeast to the next transporter. From there, go a little bit south (ignore the red transporter) and take the path west to the next transporter. From there, go directly north to the next red transporter.

4F: From the red transporter, go west and then turn south to reach the next transporter. From there, go a little bit west, follow the path south, then west again, and at the next split go south to the next transporter. From there, go directly south, and at the split go southeast to the next transporter. From there, go a little bit northeast and take the first small path east into a room with a table and books.

Check inside the blue book on the floor (face the book and press C).

The book is Richter's Journal. The contents indicate that Prof Richter ended up trapped inside here.

BOOK: Although the experiment was a success, it seems that I have been trapped inside. The door has been sealed, and it looks like I can't even use magic.

From where you read Prof Richter's first log, continue through the Forbidden Door cave until you save Ant and the boys.


4F: From where you read Prof Richter's first log, go back west out of the room, then turn directly north. Keep going north to the next red transporter.

5F: From the red transporter, go directly west.


The group finds Ant, Rick, and Kule trapped in cocoons. Blade can't free them, so Ellie tries. After that, the boys run off... deeper into the cave.

BLADE: Leave this to me!


LENA: Wow, you're absolutely worthless. So much for your burning enthusiasm.

ELLIE: Burning... that's it! Great idea, Lena!

From where you saved Ant and the boys, continue through the Forbidden Door cave until you find Prof Richter's second log.


5F: From where you saved Ant and the boys, go directly north to the next transporter. From there, go north and northwest to another red transporter.

6F: From the red transporter, go directly south to the next transporter. From there, go directly south again to find another book.

Check the brown book on the floor.

The book looks newer than the other one you found. The contents don't seem to be of any importance.

LENA (READING): I have gotten used to living with the caterpillars. They really are quite cute. I'm hungr...


OPTIONAL| After reading Prof Richter's second log, you have the chance to learn a few new magic spells. To do that, first exit the cave and go back to Ien. (NOTE: You may be able to skip this and just learn it in the next chapter, if you don't want to go back through the dungeon again. But no guarantees.)


6F: From where you red Prof Richter's second log, go back north to the transporter. From there, go back directly north and take the first red transporter you see.

5F: From the red transporter, go southeast to the next transporter. From there, go directly south and take the next path west to the red transporter.

4F: From the red transporter, go directly south and go all the way southwest to the next transporter. From there, go a little west and take the first path north to the next transporter. From there, go north and take the first path east. Follow this path east, then north, then east again to the next transporter. From there, go directly north and take the first path east to the red transporter.

3F: From the red transporter, go south to the next transporter. From there, go northeast (past the red transporter) and take the next path going north to the next transporter. From there, go southwest all the way to the next transporter. From there, go south all the way and take the transporter at the end of the path south. From there, go directly southeast to the red transporter.

2F: From the red transporter, go a little bit west then north. Where the path splits, go northeast to the next transporter. From there, go directly east and take the transporter at the eastern end (not the red one). From there, go west and take the first path south to the next transporter. From there, take the transporter on the east (right) side. From there, go a little bit west and continue north. Take the next path going northwest and follow it north then back east to the red transporter.

1F: From the red transporter, go south to another transporter. From there, go all the way to the north and take the transporter at the end of the path. From there, go a little north and then a little southwest. Take the first path you see going northwest to the next transporter. From there, go directly south to the next transporter. From there, go southeast and take the next path north to the entrance, and exit the cave.

MAGIC (OPTIONAL)| Go to the first floor of the School Tower and talk with Prof Emma. She teaches Lena+Wing the Wind Calm spell.


Lena+Wing - Wind Calm| Everyone restores a little HP per turn

MAGIC (OPTIONAL)| Go to the third floor of the School Tower, and talk with Glen in the Dean's Office several times. He teaches Wing the Althena spell. He also teaches Lena+Wing the Aurora Rain spell.

Ellie and Lena mention to Glen here about the logs from Prof Richter that they found in the cave.



Wing - Althena| Holy power attack
Lena+Wing - Aurora Rain| Attacks all enemies and heals all allies

OPTIONAL| If you exited the cave to learn the extra magic spells, then go back to the School Tower second floor and enter the Forbidden Door again. Go back to the same floor where you read Prof Richter's second log.


1F: From the entrance transport pad, go directly south. Take the first path going west and follow this to another transporter. From there, go north and northeast to another transporter. From there, go southeast and, where the path splits, go northeast and follow the path until it curves back south to another transporter. From there, go directly south, and take the transporter on the southwest (bottom-left) corner. From there, go directly north to a red transporter.

2F: From the red transporter, go a little bit west and then directly south. Follow this path until it splits, and take the path going southwest. Keep following this path until it curves east to the next transporter. From there, take the transporter on the west (left) side. From there, go directly north, then take the small path west to the next transporter. From there, go all the way to the west and take the transporter at the end (not the red one). From there, go south, and continue southwest all the way until you reach the red transporter at the end of the path.

3F: From the red transporter, go northwest to the next transporter. From there, go all the way north and take the transporter at the end of the path that leads north. From there, go directly northeast, and where the path splits, continue going northeast to the next transporter. From there, go a little bit south (ignore the red transporter) and take the path west to the next transporter. From there, go directly north to the next red transporter.

4F: From the red transporter, go west and then turn south to reach the next transporter. From there, go a little bit west, follow the path south, then west again, and at the next split go south to the next transporter. From there, go directly south, and at the split go southeast to the next transporter. From there, go all the way northwest and take the path you see going north to the next red transporter.

5F: From the red transporter, go west, then north to the next transporter. From there, go north and northwest to another red transporter.


From where or when you read Prof Richter's second log, continue through the Forbidden Door cave until you find more people trapped in cocoons.


6F: (If you didn't go back to Ien to learn the magic spells, then from where you found the second book, go north to that transporter. From there, go north, but don't take the red transporter. The directions continue from here.) From the red transporter, go west to the next transporter. From there, go west then southwest to the next transporter. From there, go a little bit east, then directly north until you enter another room with cocoons.


On the ground are Ant and the boys, again. But one of the people looks like Prof Richter! Just then, a giant butterfly and three monsters come in. Wing points out that the giant butterfly there seems to be the source of everything here.

BOSS BATTLE| Defeat the Human-Face Butterfly and the 3 Crawlers.


After the fight, Lena greets Prof Richter. Ellie explains that they came here to find him. It's a bit of a complicated story how Prof Richter ended up trapped here. It has to do with taking care of this place, the human-face butterfly nest. That's why the Dean sealed the entrance to this cave behind that Forbidden Door. Ricther's been waiting for the Dean to send someone in after him since then. Now it's time to get back to Ien already. Blade yells out at the other students there to wake up, and Prof Richter offers to use his magic to get them all out of the cave. It -should- work, he thinks...

The students make it back to the plaza in one piece, with nothing missing. They think...

Next Chapter

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