Lunar SSS, Vol. 2 - To the Other Side of the Dream - Bonus
Bonus Section by Akari Funato:

Akari Funato: In the next volume...
Beautiful men!!
The most beautiful man in all of Lunar has arrived!
Ghaleon: (disappointed) It's Volume 2, and all I get is a back-page illustration...
Beautiful sisters!!
Royce: Can we come out yet?
Phacia: Really now... Tee hee...
By the way, what could the Magic Emperor be up to now?!
Magic Emperor: Could you pick up the kids today?
Xenobia: All right... I'll take care of it on the way to throw out the trash.
Will Alex be able to realize his dream?!
(Kyle is standing there in Dragonmaster armor)
Alex: Noo!!!
Nall: ...and I'm still gonna remain a cat?
Look forward to the novelization of Lunar, Volume 3!!
And write plenty of letters to Kei Shigema, mister "I'm so busy that I have almost no time to write" (with a writing power of negative-5963)!! If he gets enough letters from you, he'll have the power to finish the book by tomorrow!!
Write to him at:
Alex: Um, if you can't wait ‘til the next volume, you can always just play the Saturn version!
Luna/Nall: BOOOOING!!
Buy Volume 3, please!!