Terms of Use and Credits
Site design elements (including but not limited to HTML, PHP, JavaScript, menu graphics, logo, and other site-specific images) owned by LunarNET may not be used elsewhere without express permission of LunarNET staff.
Site content directly based on the games and merchandise (including images, music, and text from the game, and other content based on games and merchandise) may be used elsewhere. Content retains the original copyright and trademarks of their respective companies.
Site content developed by LunarNET, such as translations, fanart, interviews, etc., may be used elsewhere for any non-commercial and legal purposes, provided the proper source is credited. In most cases, credit "LunarNET", or Mickey Shannon (GhaleonOne) and Kizyr, unless otherwise noted on the given page.
Please contact us at webmaster [at] lunar-net [dot] com or any specific staff noted on the staff page with any questions.
Copyright and Legal
All games, game titles, characters, pictures, names, and related media contained within this online publication are copyright and trademarks of their respective companies.
All section titles, characters, and related indicia contained within this publication are copyright and trademarks of LunarNET. All rights reserved. All design, HTML, PHP, JavaScript, graphics and logo are property of LunarNET, unless otherwise noted.
LunarNET owned by Mickey Shannon. Content designed and maintained by Mickey Shannon, Kizyr, and any others noted on specific pages. Please credit original game designers and publishers, LunarNET, and LunarNET staff wherever relevant.