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Magical School LUNAR!

Magical School Lunar - Music

Magical School Lunar's soundtrack was in part heavily remastered tracks based on the Game Gear version, but it also had many completely original tracks plus an opening theme song. Even better, like TSS before it, most of the music was on the game disc as redbook audio, meaning it could be played in a normal CD player. Below, we have all the music on the game disc, plus the opening song (which was one of the few not playable on the CD). However, you should still check out the soundtracks section for even more music that was included on the separate soundtracks for MSL.

Most music tracks in SSS were composed by Noriyuki Iwadare with additional sound work by Isao Mizoguchi (both part of Two-Five). The vocal tracks was sung by Michiko Neya.

Japanese Game CD

There were 27 background music tracks playable directly off of the CD. The opening song though was extracted from the opening video. However, the two separate MSL soundtracks include two versions of the opening on them.

In-game tracks:
- Wonderful Fantasy (Opening Song) [MP3]

CD tracks:
(01) Data track
(02) Walking School (Town Theme, Outside) [MP3]
(03) Vacation on the Shore (Ien Overworld) [MP3]
(04) Cave I [MP3]
(05) Labyrinth [MP3]
(06) Ien Town (Town Theme, Inside) [MP3]
(07) Evil Appears I [MP3]
(08) Battle Theme I [MP3]
(09) Boss Battle I [MP3]
(10) Lesson [MP3]
(11) Evil Appears II [MP3]
(12) Boss Battle II [MP3]
(13) Meria [MP3]
(14) Cave II [MP3]
(15) Boss Battle III [MP3]
(16) Iason's Theme [MP3]
(17) Burg [MP3]
(18) Cave III [MP3]
(19) Boss Battle IV [MP3]
(20) Title Screen [MP3]
(21) Chapter Opening [MP3]
(22) Chapter Ending [MP3]
(23) Whoops [MP3]
(24) Fog [MP3]
(25) Terena's Theme [MP3]
(26) Ellie Singing [MP3]
(27) Lena Singing [MP3]
(28) Game Over [MP3]

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