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This section is dedicated to various utilities that can be used for your LUNAR games. We also threw in a few that aren't LUNAR-related but we figured fans of the LUNAR series might enjoy. We didn't create these programs, so if you can't get it to work, your best bet is to contact the author. Some of these utilities probably have newer versions at Zophar's Domain, not to mention the fact that ZD has tons of other utilities for every gaming system. So if you're looking for anything that's not on this page, chances are, ZD has it. Not to mention, the guy running the site named it after Zophar from Lunar: EB, so that's always a plus!

Utility: CPK2AVI
Description: This utility allows you to convert Sega Saturn CinePak(CPK) files to AVI format. There are a few different versions, including a CPK viewing program that allows you to view it without converting. This zip includes a few different versions of the program, some of which are Japanese only.

Utility: PCM2WAV
Description: This is probably the best utility for LUNAR fans! It allows you to convert the Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Sega CD PCM files into WAV files. This program also works with Popful Mail. Also, there is a new version of the program that works with the import LUNAR 2: Eternal Blue Remix for the Sega Saturn. This program is in Japanese only, but seems to work better than the original PCM2WAV program. This zip file contains txt track lists for the Sega CD Lunar 2 and Popful Mail.

Utility: PsxMC
Description: This program allows you to view Playstation .str movie files. You can also convert them to .avi movie files or just the music to .wav files.

Utility: XA2WAV
Description: This file works with the Playstation .XA sound format. This program allows you to both play the XA files, and convert them to WAV files. This works with both Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete and Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Complete, among other non-Lunar PSX(and a few Sega Saturn) games!

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