Welcome to the movies page of LunarNET.
Because of the bandwidth problems movies usually tax on
our servers, we do not plan on hosting a ton of movies.
You're most likely find more movies of the original LUNAR
games than the remakes, along with other rare movies, such
as the Magic School anime, SSS high quality PC movies, and
other hard to find stuff.
Note to other webmasters and forum-goers:
Do NOT hotlink to this stuff or I will take it down. It's
very taxing on my bandwidth, and if I have to start paying
extra because other sites and people are hotlinking to this
stuff, I'll just remove it. Thanks.
Title: Lunar
TSS Introduction
Size: 2.2 megs zipped
Format: .mov
Description: This is the
introduction movie to the domestic version of Lunar:
The Silver Star.
Title: Magic
School LUNAR! Introduction
Size: 10 megs zipped
Format: .avi
Description: This is the
introduction movie to the import Saturn game Magic School
Title: Lunar
EB Sega CD Working Design E3 Promo
Size: 7.5 megs zipped
Format: .avi
Description: This is the
promotional movie that Working Designs used at E3 for Lunar:
Eternal Blue on the Sega CD.
Title: Lunar
TSS Japanese Television Commercial
Size: 196k
Format: .asf
Filename: tv-commercial.asf
Description: This is the
ultra rare Lunar: The Silver Star Japanese television
Title: Lunar
Magic School Anime Clip
Size: 3.41 megs
Format: .rm
Filename: mglanime.rm
Description: This is a clip
of the Magic School LUNAR! anime movie that was put
out years ago. For more information on this, check out the
page about it.
Title: Lunar
SSS PC - Quark's Introduction
Size: 18.8 megs zipped
Format: .mpg
Description: This Quark's
introduction scene from SSS. However, it's from the Japanese
PC version, and the quality is much higher than any other
version of SSS.
Lunar SSS PC - Luna and Ghaleon in the Garden
Size: 10.7 megs zipped
Format: .mpg
Description: This the scene
where Ghaleon and Luna first meet in the garden behind Vane's
Magic Guild from SSS. However, it's from the Japanese PC
version, and the quality is much higher than any other version
of SSS.
Lunar SSS PC - Final Ghaleon
Size: 7.3 megs zipped
Format: .mpg
Description: This Quark's
introduction scene from SSS. However, it's from the Japanese
PC version, and the quality is much higher than any other
version of SSS.