Lunar: Legend, Section 1

1.1) BURG - Alex's Beginnings

Oh yeah! Luna was looking for you, Alex! We begin in the tiny village of Burg on Caldor Island at the memorial of the late hero Dragonmaster Dyne, who fought to protect the Goddess Althena. Alex visits Dyne's monument on an almost daily basis, dreaming of one day setting off on a grand adventure just like his hero. A few moments later, Nall approaches looking for Alex. He warns him that Luna's been looking for him--and that they were supposed to be practicing for the goddess festival today. You head off and run into Alex's buddy Ramus, who's all frantic about a visitor who's come from the magic city of Vane. Everyone is gathered at the goddess festival except for Alex and Luna; Ramus asks you to go search for Luna and you'll leave.

The festival isn't too far away; you remembered your ocarina, right? Leave the monument and go to the springs (northeast corner of town) where you'll find Luna. You'll hear her singing as Alex approaches. Before she even has a chance to chastise Alex for being late, Nall tells her to hurry with them to see the mysterious visitor from Vane. Alex, Luna, Nall, and Ramus run off.

To become a Dragonmaster, I must undergo the trial of the White Dragon! Here, head towards the center of town where everyone is gathered to hear Nash Lumach, the l33t magician (yes, he is l33t, part of the Elite Mages of Vane) preach to the town about his need to go to the White Dragon Shrine. Nash apparently has it in his mind that he's to be the next Dragonmaster and needs anyone knowledgable to accompany him into the Goat Forest, neighbouring Burg, to find the shrine--Alex's mother Saria suggests her son would be a good candidate. Nash declares that he'll be waiting at the entrance to town for Alex and the rest to come. Ramus tells Alex that he has a map of the forest in his house, and the three of them decide to go.

Um... Ah, there! With this we should be ok! Before getting so impatient, you should first stop by Alex's house (the northernmost one in town). Pick up the items in the four treasure chests downstairs, then head to the store in the middle of town (now would be a good time to bookmark the items list). I strongly suggest that you sell the Mental Gum, Angel Tear, and Dragon Feather. You're strapped for cash now and those items aren't particularly useful until a bit later in the game. Now, buy a Shortsword for Alex and Ramus, a Frying Pan for Luna, a Wrist for Luna, and a Wood Shield for Alex and Ramus (bookmark both the menus and atlas for a quick-reference guide on how to work the shop menu and exactly what items the Burg shop has for sale if you're using the import). Sell the de-equipped items you no longer need. Now, go to Ramus' house next door to the shop and search the drawer with the big red arrow above it to pick up the map. Now, you can go to the town's entrance and talk with Nash for him to join your party. (Don't bother with the shops again, Nash is too l33t to accept anything Burg has to offer anyway.) Now leave town.

1.2) GOAT FOREST - First Adventure

Dungeon Items:
[Screen 1] Heal Gum (3), Poison Clean (2)
[Screen 2] Heal Gum, Poison Clean (3)

One of the Magic Guild's l33t should be able to easily defeat any monsters here, right? Upon leaving, the only other location you can go to is Goat Forest (the map menu is self explanatory, but if you want there's still a run-down in the menus section). Upon entering, take the path to the north. This might be the right way to the shrine, says Alex--"might be" is just what Nash gets all worked up about. But, he calms down.

'Harvest Moon'... what could that mean? Throughout this walkthrough I'll be guiding you through every dungeon. If you don't care for that, but just want to make sure that you haven't missed anything, I'll include a Dungeon Items list before you enter any dungeon along the way. Also, this being your first set of battles, be sure to familiarize yourself with the Battle Menu and Magic Spells for your party members. First, at the northern end of the first part of the forest you should find a stone. Check it and you'll see an old, cryptic inscription--a language only Nash is able to decipher with his l33t ski11z. It reads: Harvest Moon (no relation to Namco).

I grew up in the city. Of course I get tired doing something I'm not used to! Continuing west, the group decides to set up camp for the night. Nash, though, is a bit winded from that long ten-minute walk through the forest. After the night is over you heal and head off early the next day.

'Show before me'? What's that supposed to be? Halfway along the northern end of this section of forest there's another stone. Check that one out too and you'll see another old, cryptic inscription. This one reads: Show before me.

I think this message reads 'What should be offered'. Everything comes in groups of three. At the southwest corner of this part of the forest there's the third and final stone. Check that and you'll see the final old, cryptic inscription: What Should Be Offered.

Hm... maybe those messages hold the answer to opening this door Now, you can go to the northwest corner to find the gate to the shrine. The gate has a relic of Althena on the front, but it's closed tight. Luna suggests the stones might hold a clue; Alex gets the idea that they could be a song, since they seem to fit together. Now you need to decide the order in which to put the lines. (The solution is: Harvest Moon, What Should Be Offered, Show Before Me--the third, first, then second option.) After solving the puzzle, Alex will play as Luna sings and the gate opens. Here you come to a small spring. The entrance to the shrine should be somewhere, so they search around.

Mm-hmm... I shouldn't be able to read this, but when I saw it the words just came to me Talk to Nash (and if you want, Luna and Ramus) to see how he's doing. After that, check the stone just above where Alex was standing (at the end of the road) and you'll find another inscription. This time, Nash can't read it--but Luna can? Well, miracles aside, it says that you must say the name of the White Dragon in order to enter. One of the villagers back in Burg tells you the answer--you don't have to go back to Burg right now though, so don't worry. The choices are: Fuidei, Fidy, Fargo. Pick the second option: Fidy (Fidy is the Japanese version name, the American version uses the name Quark, which I'll use here on out since it sounds better). The path to Fidy / Quark's lair appears.

This is the world inside your heart; it will show me the true reason why you want to become a Dragonmaster Enter his shrine; Alex comments on the cold and Nash on the magic presence. They meet Quark and he asks each of them their names and why they have come. Nash says he's here to become a Dragonmaster--Alex steps up and says the same. After the rest of them respond (Ramus says he just wants the diamond), Nash and Alex are whisked off to be tested. Quark asks each of them why they want to become a Dragonmaster. Alex answers that he looks up to Dyne as a hero and wishes to see the world, but Quark knows it's more than that: what does Alex intend to do with the power? he asks. He wants to protect, Alex says. But protect what? This is where you have a choice what to respond, you can answer: 1) Those important to me, or 2) All who live in this world (I haven't figured if there's a difference later on, but I choose #1). Is a Dragonmaster's power necessary for that? Quark then asks. You can answer either: 1) Yes, I want to become powerful, or 2) ...I don't know. Nash on the other hand isn't faring so well, he's quite unsure of himself. Alex is then asked what would happen if the only way to save the world were to cause harm to the one important to him. Alex doesn't know, but Quark assures him that there will come a time when he can easily answer that question. The White Dragon tells Alex now that he must seek out his brother dragons, Red, Blue, and Black. The test is now over, so they can leave, exhausted. After hurrying out Alex stays behind a bit; Quark hands him a diamond and tells him to give it to "the boy with the glasses". Alex also finds the Dragon Ring which has appeared in his pocket. Nall rushes in and gets Alex. So ends the trial of the White Dragon.

1.3) BURG - Back Home

Nash, if it wasn't for Alex you never would've been able to find Quark! Now, return to Burg; you should know the way back. Be sure to equip Alex with the Dragon Ring, though. Now that you're back in Burg, Nash is thankless as expected, and Luna has to step in to stop the arguing. Ramus suggests that they go to the Althena's statue to rest up.

If you're one of Vane's Elite, you must have a lot to do. So, go to the Althena's statue to rest. Everyone else splits up: Ramus goes with his diamond, and Nash leaves with his ego. Alex and Luna, on the other hand, must practice for the festival, and Nall's hungry.

I'll stay here and wait for you Alex, praying to Althena for your safe return Go back to Alex's house. Two days later is the Goddess Festival. Alex and Luna perform a beautiful little number (that you've already heard); but right after, Alex slips out. It's not too hard to figure out where he went, though. Go to Dyne's monument. Here, Alex tells Luna of his intention to become a Dragonmaster and tells her of Quark's suggestion to seek out the other dragons. Luna asks him when he'll leave, Alex says early tomorrow morning. Worried about his mother, Luna reminds him (note: in case you didn't know, Alex's parents also take care of Luna)--Alex tells her he'll try to send a letter once he reaches Saith. He plans on leaving with Nall alone, no mention of Luna accompanying him. Morning comes and Luna goes with the two of them to the entrance of town to say her good-byes. They leave, but before Luna returns home, Alex's mother comes by. Of course she knew all about this and tells Luna to hurry up and accompany them; she won't take no for an answer. She pushes Luna and after one more good-bye she runs off.

1.4) GOAT FOREST - Just Trying to Pass Through

Besides that, what are you doing in a place like this? Go down the path to meet Ramus once again. The shop in Burg was too small, so he's headed to Meribia to sell his diamond. The two of them join up. Take the road south this time to Saith. After continuing down the path a little, Luna runs to catch up with Alex. He's a little reluctant, but before they can do anything monsters show up, but so does the mysterious traveller Laike. You'll find he makes short work of the Burg Dogs... Anyway, he asks what are they up to, they reply an adventure, a response to which Laike bursts into a fit of uncontrollable laughter. After recovering, he tells them to stick together. He finally introduces himself as Laike Bogard just before stepping out. Now that that's taken care of, continue West, then go to Saith.

1.5) SAITH - Pirates of Caldor

There's no way to go to Meribia! Upon entering town, both Ramus and Luna notice something is up. Continue a little further south and a woman runs up. She says the town's been taken over by pirates who're blocking the port--on top of that, there's no way off of Caldor Island, so the way to Meribia is also blocked. A visiting Magician from Vane has said he'll take care of the pirates. It's Nash, of course--Alex suggests this and the woman recognizes the name. The woman says Nash ran to the Bar to face them off. Alex decides to help, since it should be quite obvious by now that Nash can't do anything by himself.

Hey! Brew some sweeter ale for us! You should first stop off at the shop on the west side of town to upgrade your weapons and armor; I recommend a Long Sword for Alex and 3 Cloth Armors. Anyway, after your purchases head further south to the Bar. Nall will take a peek inside; of course, the first thing he sees are the pirates heading right for the door, so they run and hide. When the coast is clear, Alex comes out and decides they should talk to the barkeep.

They said something about ransoming him to the Magic Guild Go inside and talk to Roy, the barkeep, behind the counter. Alex firsts asks if there was a magician with the pirates. The barkeep says there was a magician from Vane with them; the pirates are planning on holding him for ransom. Alex of course gets it in his mind to help him, despite Ramus' great fear. So, the four of them head out. About to leave the bar, though, the barkeep stops Alex and company with a better idea. He tells Alex to talk to Svet, the guy who runs the port, and he'll help them out.

What do we do Alex? If they find us we're all shark bait! Leave the bar and go further south to the port. Svet is behind the counter, talk to him and Alex will explain what's up. They start running over ideas to get aboard. Luna, though, gets a good one. See, as the pirates were leaving the bar, they told the barkeep to prepare more beer to bring aboard. So, next thing you know, you're on the inside of three barrels marked "beer" being loaded at the docks. Once the coast is clear, Alex steps out.

Dungeon Items:

Ah, Alex... how are we supposed to get away? Continue north, fighting off pirates along the way. When you hit the treasure chest and find a pot, use it as Ramus's helmet. Further up you'll find Nash... tied to the mast. Nall will fly up and help him down the hard way. So now they're ready to run--but, asks Nash, how do they plan on doing that? Apparently Alex and Luna forgot just one part of the plan--not that it matters anyway. The captain shows up, blocking any plans of escape. So, prepare for your first boss battle.

Captain You should already be familiar with your Magic Spells by now. So, this battle shouldn't be too difficult as long as you haven't used up all your MP. What I suggest is to use Alex and Nash's limit spells if you can (Wind Sword and Thunder Rain), then use Alex's Sword Dance and Nash's Riot spells. Have Luna heal as necessary and, if you need to, use her limit spell to restore everyone's HP and MP. Ramus should just attack. He should be down in four turns or so.

Yes... Our adventure has begun! So now you're back in Saith, relaxing at the bar. Nall and Luna are over on one side arguing about the food with which Nall and Alex are stuffing their faces. Ramus, meanwhile, is telling Nash of his dreams of being wealthy and famous, despite his inabilities when it comes to magic. So you leave the very next day. In the night, though, Alex is unable to sleep. Nall comes up and they begin dreaming of the adventure on which they're about to embark: the lands they'll see, the battles they'll fight, the fish they'll eat... Up in the crows' next, though, you see Luna singing in the night. This, I suppose, is the start of the true adventure.

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