The Silver Star - English-Japanese Differences
Welcome to the English-Japanese Differences section for Lunar: The Silver Star for the Sega CD! As with any RPG, the localization process can be pretty intensive, and Working Designs (responsible for the localization of Lunar: The Silver Star) is particularly known for their creative approach; so, LunarNET brings you the most complete list to-date regarding the differences and changes made in the localization process. The compiled list of differences is below, with items in English on the left side, items in Japanese on the right side. The list is also separated into seven sections (based on type of change):
General: General notes about the translation process (see below).
(1) Major Changes: Clearly noticeable differences. Usually the difference is intentional, and they affect the main story or significant elements of the background story or history.
(2) Minor Changes: Usually noticeable differences, given some knowledge about the background of Lunar. Usually the difference is intentional, but the effect on the main story or background story is slight.
(3) Ambiguities: Minor differences between the English and Japanese dialogue. Usually the difference is minor, and occurs at the nuanced level, or is a change made for stylistic reasons. Jokes modified in the localization also go here, where present.
(4) Name Clarifications: Self-explanatory. These are only issues with transliteration or translation of characters, places, titles, or items.
(5) Miscellaneous: Other changes not related to dialogue or the story. Gameplay modifications also go in this section.
(6) Similarities: Selected equivalences between the English and Japanese game.
Before I begin, there are a few general things to note when reading this list.
First, most importantly, is about translation itself. Translation is an art, not a science, and so there are inevitably some changes in translated dialogue. Working Designs generally uses a two-step process, where the dialogue is first translated, and then interpreted to sound more natural in English. The translations I give here of the Japanese dialogue is for comparison purposes only; it's only meant to convey the meaning as closely as possible (in other words, the translations here are not necessarily how I'd translate the dialogue professionally). Also note that, in some cases, I don't include the entire set of English or Japanese dialogue; only enough to illustrate the differences--so, the length of a particular set of dialogue itself is not indication of any changes.
Second, this document is a list of differences, not similarities. However, I have included a few items which have occasionally been thought or assumed to be differences. In general, if a particular set of dialogue or issues is not mentioned here, it's safe to assume that it's the same between the English and Japanese versions of the game.
Third, and finally, this document, the material herein, and the non-Working Designs translations were produced by Kizyr. Many thanks also goes to Alunissage (on the LunarNET forums) for corrections and clarifications on several items here, and cross-references to interviews and outside sources (such as the Dark Wizard reference). Extra thanks goes to Temzin for the 'fulari-furari' correction, which added a new difference to the list! Thanks finally goes to other folks on the forums who've offered feedback as well. If you'd like to discuss anything here, feel free to bring it up on the LunarNET forums.
This information is available to everyone. But if you use it elsewhere, then please credit LunarNET. Thank you.
(1) Major Changes
This section contains clearly noticeable differences. Usually the differences are intentional changes, although a few may be unintended. These changes usually significantly affect the main story, or the background story, to the game.
English | Japanese |
NPC dialogue says Governer Mel 'founded' the city of Meribia. |
NPC dialogue says Governer Mel 'governs' the city of Meribia. The mistranslated word is 'osameru'.
"The large city of Meribia on the continent is governed by Master Mel, one of the Four Heroes." |


English | Japanese |
The Meryod townsfolk are made to sound like 'rednecks'. |
The Meryod townsfolk sound normal.
"Some villages on the other side of the river have been attacked by Taben's mechanical soldiers. Taben builds machines in the Frontier. |


English | Japanese |
Transport pads were starfleet-like symbols. Note that this change was reportedly made at Sega's behest. |
Transport pads were pentagrams.
"This would be a Fountain of Transmission, but no one has used it in over 10 years... |


English | Japanese |
Myght is sensitive about his body odor. |
Myght is just a hermit.
"Myght is a hermit. So, the fewer people to see him, the better... All right, Alex, just you should come." |


English | Japanese |
Myght has Lytonians around because they can't smell (based off of body odor addition). |
Nothing about Lytonians not smelling, just that Myght feels comfortable around them despite being a hermit.
"We came from the village of Lyton. We are Myght's assistants. Myght is a hermit, but, he is kind to us." |


English | Japanese |
Ghaleon captured the pixies because he likes them, allegedly. |
Ghaleon helped the pixies, allegedly, because they were about to die out in the Frontier.
"We pixies who lived in the Frontier were about to die out. But, Master Ghaleon helped us." |


English | Japanese |
Alex must play his harp, or Luna's blasts will kill him on the way up. Before he plays the harp, Luna's blasts take away half Alex's HP; after he plays the harp, Luna's blasts take 1/16 of his HP. |
Alex does not have to play the harp to save Luna. The harp does not lessen the damage Alex receives; the blasts always take away 1/16 of his HP. |


(2) Minor Changes
These differences are usually noticeable, but sometimes require knowing more about Lunar, or other elements of the game, to pick up on the difference. These differences are sometimes intentional, though not always. Regardless, the changes only marginally affect the story, and not in any significant way.
English | Japanese |
Quark mentions that he feels his and Luna's souls are intertwined. |
Quark doesn't mention anything specific about Luna.
"I noticed you before, the girl over there. Perhaps..., it's nothing. I was just surprised that a young girl came to this kind of a place." |


English | Japanese |
After you return with Ghaleon, the old hag on Caldor Isle is suspicious of him. Note that, according to Working Designs, this is also an allusion to the game Dark Wizard for the Sega CD (Sega - JP-1993 US-1994), which, at the time, had not yet been released in North America. |
After you return with Ghaleon, the old hag on Caldor Isle thinks he's hot.
"Ghaleon's a fine man. If I were just a bit younger... Yes, about 170 years younger, then I'd go for him... Hee hee hee..." |


English | Japanese |
Ghaleon's diary entry is dated "12 Altar '34". The entry itself is the same in both versions. |
Ghaleon's diary entry has no date. The entry itself is the same in both versions.
"......Lemia has refused to assist me. Now, there is no other alternative but to seal away Lemia's memory with magic... I'll throw Lemia into the underground dungeon, and summon the witch Xenobia... Thus, Vane will be taken care of. After that, all I must concern myself with is the White Dragon, Mel, and... the Goddess living in the human world..." |


English | Japanese |
Book in Damon's spire prophecizes a green-eyed Dragonmaster |
Book in Damon's spire is more cryptic.
"All the world's fate began with Dragonmaster Dyne... But, all the world's fate will be let go and ended by Dragonmaster Dyne." |


English | Japanese |
Book in Damon's spire claims there can only be one Dragonmaster at a time. |
No claim to there being only one Dragonmaster at a time.
"The appearance of a Dragonmaster is an unlimited ray of hope. A Dragonmaster fights with unbelievable strength." |


English | Japanese |
Book in Damon's spire mentions the world losing power when the last of the Dragon Tribe dies. |
Book in Damon's spire mentions the world losing a symbol of magic with the death of Quark/Fidy in particular, who was the last of the Dragons.
"When the last dragon Quark dies and the world loses a symbol of magic power... the path to be a Dragonmaster is closed, and the Goddess is wrapped in darkness." |


English | Japanese |
Book in Damon's spire prophecises betrayal and friendship. |
Same book in Damon's spire doesn't say anything serious.
"Everything written in this book is a lie. ...but then, was the last statement true? Or was that also a lie?" |


English | Japanese |
No explicit mention of Luna being, or not being, the Goddess until the Frontier. |
Book in Damon's spire mentions Luna being a human.
"The girl Luna, born in Burg, is not the Goddess Althena. The existence of the name of Luna is most certainly human." |


English | Japanese |
A person in Marke seems to know Nall by name. |
No one in Marke knows Nall by name. Rather, someone recognizes the wings, perhaps as those of a white dragon.
"Whoa!? That white animal with the wings... Oh no, my mistake. I haven't seen that for some tens of years now..." |


English | Japanese |
Claim that half-beast half-humans don't have same emotions. |
No claim that emotions are different across races.
"I may be a beastman, but your words still move my heart... I wonder why is that?" |


English | Japanese |
The Dragon Angels refer to themselves as 'gods of compassion'. |
The Dragon Angels don't refer to themselves as anything specific.
"If this continues, then all magic power will be lost. The world will return to a world of death, and be destroyed... Stopping this is already beyond even the power of a Dragonmaster..." |


(3) Ambiguities
These are minor differences between the English and Japanese dialogue. Usually the differences are changes made for stylistic reasons, or changes in the nuances of certain statements. Occasional jokes which do not affect the story (main or background), but were modified as a part of the localization, are also in this section.
English | Japanese |
Kid in Burg says he's eating his Wheaties so he can be like Dyne. |
Kid in Burg just says he's going to be like Dyne.
"Dyne, one of the Four Heroes, was born and raised in this village!! When I grow up, I'm going to become great and brave just like Dyne." |


English | Japanese |
Laike says, when he meets you, "You kids must be the ones from Burg!" |
Laike is less specific.
"Oh... You all are people from the village of Burg..." |


English | Japanese |
All of the magicians of Vane are members of the Magic Guild. |
All of the residents of Vane are implied to be magicians in the Magic Guild.
"The residents of Vane have all entered the Magic Guild as magicians." |


English | Japanese |
The guy at the Vane Springs asks about how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop. |
The guy at the Vane Springs is an absent-minded adventurer.
"The town that floats in the sky... Hmm... I have memories of it from some adventures here and there from long ago... But it's no good... I don't remember it. Who in the world am I?" |


English | Japanese |
The first Dragonmaster used Dragon Magic to transform Lunar |
Nothing was specifically mentioned about Dragon Magic being used by the Dragonmaster to transform Lunar (note: other editions of Lunar clarified that Althena was the one who, with the help of the first Dragonmaster and the Four Dragons, transformed Lunar into a life-harboring place).
"But, this world was transformed into a land of green through the first Dragonmaster, spoken of in legends." |


English | Japanese |
The founders of Vane are said to be long dead |
The people who know how Vane floats are no longer around.
"Those who understand how Vane floats in the heavens are no longer. Only the sparkle of them remains." |


English | Japanese |
The light of Althena does not reach the Frontier |
The light of the Blue Star does not reach the Frontier (nor does Althena's power reach it).
"At the edge of this world stretches the land of the Frontier, where the Blue Star in the heavens does not shine." |


English | Japanese |
Althena is immortal and lives in the Goddess Tower |
Althena continues her rebirths, thereby remaining young, and lives in the Goddess Tower.
"The Goddess Althena resides in the Goddess Tower at the heart of the world, continuing her rebirths, and always just as beautiful." |


English | Japanese |
No one knows where are the ruins of the Magic Empire (the empire which, a long time ago, tried to revolt against Althena) |
No one knows anymore where the Magic Empire was.
"There is no longer anyone who knows where the Magic Empire was." |


English | Japanese |
Vane floated into the sky as a result of the Goddess' Tears |
Vane floated into the sky when the Goddess' Tears flowed.
"When the Goddess' Tears which covered the world flowed, Vane floated into the sky." |


English | Japanese |
In Lann, Jessica asks one person "Why does every RPG have to have at least one worthless drunk?" |
In Lann, the same guy is still drunk, only Jessica doesn't mention 'RPG'.
"Why are men all so worthless? Don't act so friendly with me!!" |


English | Japanese |
Vane's activities are controlled from the Star Chamber |
Vane's magic power is controlled from the Star Chamber.
"This Star Chamber is the place where Vane's magic power is controlled..." |


English | Japanese |
Ramus left Burg with someone named Fulari. |
Ramus left Burg quickly. The word 'furari' is an adverb, not a name.
"Hm, that brat ran out of the village all of a sudden, for someplace." |


English | Japanese |
One of the guys in the Nanza cave is a lawyer. |
The same guy in the Nanza cave is a snake-oil salesman.
"This guy is selling dangerous medicine, even now." |


English | Japanese |
Book in Damon's spire talks about prophecy from the Blue Star. |
Book in Damon's spire talks about the Blue Star itself.
"The legendary Blue Star shining in the heavens. Before long, it will bring about humanity's hope and salvation." |


English | Japanese |
Book in Damon's spire prophecizes a powerful person. |
Book in Damon's spire talks about the strength of the Magic Emperor Ghaleon.
"Ghaleon, who calls himself the Magic Emperor, has strong magic power." |


English | Japanese |
Before you leave for Myght's Tower with Laike, Mia expresses her faith in Nash. However, the dialogue is out-of-context, making it sound like Nash has already returned and Mia's asking Alex to believe him. |
Before you leave for Myght's Tower with Laike, Mia expresses her faith in Nash, but in more general terms.
"I still believe in Nash. That's why, Alex... [you should as well]" |


English | Japanese |
Nash is injured, but speaks normally, when he returns at Tamur. |
Nash is injured and has broken speech when he returns at Tamur.
"You're... here... I know... how to go to the Frontier... where Ghaleon is... You can go... through a transport spring between... the village... of Meryod... and... the village of Lyton... You need the Water of Mirage... that the Plains Tribe... has... to use... the spring... I got hurt when... I escaped... from the witch Xe... nobia... Alex... quickly, to the... Plains..." |


English | Japanese |
Althena provided a seal to the cave to seal the fiend in. |
Althena provided a mysterious stone, which was the seal that kept the fiend in the cave.
"Long ago, a demon which spread disease was sealed in a cave by the Goddess Althena's power. The thing that sealed the demon is a mysterious stone that is called the Goddess's Seal." |


English | Japanese |
Mia calls out for 'Papa' once when she's sick in Pao. |
Mia only calls out for her mother again when she's sick.
"Help me... Mother... I'm in such pain... Oh I'm no longer in pain... I'm better now, thanks to all of you." |


English | Japanese |
The people of Marke welcome 'would-be Dragonmasters'. |
The people of Marke seem to welcome Alex as a future Dragonmaster.
"This is the village of Marke. Welcome, you who could be Dragonmaster." |


(4) Name Clarifications
This section is self-explanatory. These are differences, or clarifications, in the translation or transliteration of certain character names, locations, titles, items, etc.
English | Japanese |
First island is called Caldor Isle |
First island is called Honmel Isle |


English | Japanese |
The White Dragon is named Quark; Quark calls himself Tetrarch of the Dragon Tribe. |
The White Dragon is named Fidy; Fidy/Quark doesn't give himself any title (i.e., there is no corresponding word for 'Tetrarch').
"Ah... after a long time, travellers. I am the White Dragon, Quark [Fidy]." |


English | Japanese |
Gambler's name is Brett |
Gambler's name is Crysa
"On top of that, my opponent was Crysa [kuraisa], called a gambling genius." |


English | Japanese |
Lemia Ausa is referred to as leader of the magic guild. |
Lemia Ausa (Lemilia Ausa in Japanese version) is referred to as leader of the magic guild; the word used is 'shuutou'--which is translated as 'Premier' in later games.
"The Leader of the Vane Magic Guild, Lemia [lemilia] Ausa, she's not young, but she's beautiful." |


English | Japanese |
Ghaleon is called the Premier of the city of Vane. |
Ghaleon is called the Premier of the city of Vane; the word used for Premier is 'saishou'.
"And, the Premier of the Magic City of Vane, Great Sage Ghaleon, who was Dyne's close friend." |


English | Japanese |
Nash is a Level 3 apprentice |
Nash is a third-year student in the Magic Guild of Vane
"I'm a third-year student in the Magic Guild of the Magic City of Vane, and apprentice to the Great Sage Ghaleon." |


English | Japanese |
Ghaleon's assistant is named Glumm |
Ghaleon's assistant isn't given a name.
"I am Ghaleon's assistant." |


English | Japanese |
The false Dragonmaster on Lann Isle is named 'Zoc' |
The false Dragonmaster on Lann Isle has no name
"Ha ha ha ha!! You cannot defy me, a Dragonmaster!!" |


English | Japanese |
Permanent stat-raising item called 'Dover Nut' |
Permanent stat-raising item called 'Protection Nut' |


English | Japanese |
Mel's nickname was Deadly Mel. Note that according to the English guide for The Silver Star, Working Designs originally wanted to name him 'Hell Mel'; the change to 'Deadly Mel' was made at Sega's behest. |
Mel's nickname was Blood-soaked [chimamire] Mel.
"When he was young, he was very ferocious. As a warrior, he was called Blood-soaked Mel." |


English | Japanese |
Prairie tribe names: Fresca (Franchesca) and her husband Tempest. |
Prairie tribe names: Pilya and Temzin [Temujin]. (Side note: Temujin was Genghis Khan's given name, which has some relationship to the Mongolian nomad style of Pao and the Prairie Tribe's tents.)
"I am Pilya. The one next to me is Tempest. We are of the Prairie Tribe." |


English | Japanese |
A fiend named Grissel came here 5000 years ago. |
A fiend, unnamed, came here 5000 years ago.
"5000 years ago... an ancient demon came to the Plains and spread disease. This plague is the curse of that demon..." |


English | Japanese |
The cave is called Grimzol's Cave. |
The cave is called the Demon's Cave. |


English | Japanese |
The boss in Grimzol's Cave is called the 'Inca God' by Nall. |
The boss in the Demon's Cave is called Karal [kararu] by Nall.
"It's Karal. Watch out, Alex!" |


English | Japanese |
Tempest calls the boss in Grimzol's Cave Grimzol. |
Tempest calls the boss in the Demon's Cave a demon.
"Thanks to you, we could defeat the demon..." |


English | Japanese |
Ghaleon's chief inventor is named Taben. |
Ghaleon's chief inventor is named 'Batanen'.
"Mwa hah hah!! I am the brilliant inventor, Master Taben!!" |


English | Japanese |
The two creatures who gave Alex the sword are the Dragon Angels. |
The two creatures who gave Alex the sword are just called Angels.
"Those angels, with just one hit!?" |


(5) Miscellaneous
These are other changes not related to dialogue or the story itself. Gameplay changes, additional elements in the game (soundtrack changes, e.g.), and other differences not classified elsewhere are in this section.
English | Japanese |
At startup, no splash screen with text |
At startup, splash screen with intro text in English |


English | Japanese |
No captions for spoken dialogue |
Captions for all spoken dialogue
"Alex, you really look up to this guy, don't you?" |


English | Japanese |
Alex actually has a bit of dialogue. |
Alex has almost no dialogue. |


English | Japanese |
At the end when Luna is speaking, the double-meaning of the word used for 'harp' [koto] couldn't be translated. |
At the end when Luna is speaking, the double-meaning of the word 'koto': refers to Alex's harp, and Alex himself. So, Luna/Althena is able to imply both Alex's harp and the personage of Alex.
"...!? Harp [koto]...? A harp's sound? I can hear it... Alex!? ... Alex? I feel you... Alex's being [koto]... Ah, Alex..." |


(6) Similarities
These are selected equivalences between the English and Japanese versions. By and large, the script and elements in the games between the versions are identical. The items listed here are only similarities which are unexpected, and reflect elements which have been commonly (and incorrectly) assumed to be differences made in localization.
English | Japanese |
Vane is implied to be 1000 years old |
Vane is implied to be 1000 years old.
"Vane here has been continuing magic research for as long as 1000 years."
"Vane, which is based on 1000 years of history, [has been attacked by] the Vile Tribe...!? This is not the time for classes." |


English | Japanese |
The Vile Tribe roamed about 500 years ago, but Althena banished them to the Frontier. |
The Vile Tribe roamed about 500 years ago, but Althena sealed them in the Frontier.
"500 years ago, the Vile Tribe, who tormented people, lived in this world. But, the Goddess Althena, for the sake of the people, banished the Vile Tribe to the Frontier and sealed them there." |


English | Japanese |
Jessica's full name is Jessica Alkirk. |
Jessica's full name is Jessica Alkirk.
"Hello... I am Jessica Alkirk. Pleased to meet you." |

