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Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete

Silver Star Story - English-Japanese Differences

Welcome to the English-Japanese Differences section for Lunar: Silver Star Story for the Saturn and Playstation! The localization process for RPGs is always intensive, and LunarNET brings you the most complete list to-date on the differences between the versions. The compiled list of differences is below, with items in English on the left side, items in Japanese on the right side (no screenshots, only dialogue and text--sorry!); the location and approximate time for the dialogue or change cited is also given. The list is also separated into eight sections (based on the type of change):

General: General notes about the translation process (see below).
(1) Major Changes: Clearly noticeable differences. Usually the difference is intentional, and they affect the main story or significant elements of the background story or history.
(2) Minor Changes: Usually noticeable differences, given some knowledge about the background of Lunar. Usually the difference is intentional, but the effect on the main story or background story is slight.
(3) Ambiguities: Minor differences between the English and Japanese dialogue. Usually the difference is minor, and occurs at the nuanced level, or is a change made for stylistic reasons. Jokes modified in the localization also go here, where present.
(4) Name Clarifications: Self-explanatory. These are only issues with transliteration or translation of characters, places, titles, or items.
(5) Miscellaneous: Other changes not related to dialogue or the story. Gameplay modifications also go in this section.
(6) Similarities: Selected equivalences between the English and Japanese game.
(7) Bromides/Items: Bromide and 'secret item' locations across the English Playstation, Japanese Playstation, and Japanese Saturn versions.


Before I begin, there are a few general things to note when reading this list.

First, most importantly, is about translation itself. Translation is an art, not a science, and so there are inevitably some changes in translated dialogue. Working Designs generally uses a two-step process, where the dialogue is first translated, and then interpreted to sound more natural in English. The translations I give here of the Japanese dialogue is for comparison purposes only; it's only meant to convey the meaning as closely as possible (in other words, the translations here are not necessarily how I'd translate the dialogue professionally). Also note that, in some cases, I don't include the entire set of English or Japanese dialogue; only enough to illustrate the differences--so, the length of a particular set of dialogue itself is not indication of any changes.

Second, unlike the Sega CD versions, Lunar: Silver Star Story was released on multiple platforms in Japan: two versions on the Sega Saturn (an MPEG and non-MPEG version), and one version on the Playstation. The North American release was only on the Playstation, and based on the Japanese Playstation version. The Japanese Saturn and Playstation versions are largely the same; but, some differences are accountable to the platform differences and not the English-Japanese localization. Where that happens, I note here where differences are in the Saturn and Playstation versions, rather than the English and Japanese versions.

Third, this document is a list of differences, not similarities. However, I have included a few items which have occasionally been thought or assumed to be differences. In general, if a particular set of dialogue or issues is not mentioned here, it's safe to assume that it's the same between the English and Japanese versions of the game.

Fourth, and finally, this document, the material herein, and the non-Working Designs translations were produced by Kizyr. Many thanks also goes to Alunissage (on the LunarNET forums) for corrections and clarifications on several items here, and cross-references to interviews and outside sources. Thanks goes to other folks on the forums who've offered feedback as well. If you'd like to discuss anything here, feel free to bring it up on the LunarNET forums.

This information is available to everyone. But if you use it elsewhere, then please credit LunarNET. Thank you.

(1) Major Changes

This section contains clearly noticeable differences. Usually the differences are intentional changes, although a few may be unintended. These changes usually significantly affect the main story, or the background story, to the game.

Location: Saith - when you first visit
Villager says that Mel founded Meribia. Villager says that Mel governs Meribia. The mistranslated word is 'osameru', which means 'govern'.
"The biggest city on the mainland is Meribia, founded by Master Mel, one of the Four Heroes." "The biggest city on the mainland is Meribia, governed by Master Mel, one of the Four Heroes."
Location: Lann - after returning from Lann Isle
Jessica left on her adventure a few weeks ago. Jessica left on her adventure a few months ago.
Jessica: "What I was ABOUT to say ... Is that I've never heard about this Phacia woman. ... I mean, there isn't anyone named Phacia at the Shrine! At least, not before I left on this little adventure a few weeks ago..." Jessica: "There's no head of the Shrine named Phacia at the the Shrine to Althena. At least, not before I left on this adventure some months ago."
Location: Meryod - any time
Villagers have drawl 'redneck' accent. Villagers speak normally.
(Quotation N/A) (Quotation N/A)
Location: Meryod - when you first visit
Meryod was founded when a Dragonmaster stopped the river to build the bridges. Meryod was founded when two villages on either side of the river built the bridges.
"Arr familee legend sez that uh Dragginmastuh stopped thuh river. When he stopped thuh river, it let us build yonder bridge." "The two villages on either side of the riverbank combined their strength and built this village of bridges, and so Meryod was founded. Thanks to that, this has prospered as a village of trade."
Location: Tamur - when Laike offers to take you to Myght
Myght is described as not being a people-person, and being unhygienic/smelly. Myght is described only as being a hermit.
Laike: "There's an old inventor named Myght who lives in this neck of the woods. He's a bit strange... But if you asked him, I know he could easily build a flying machine for you. The only problem is that Myght isn't really a good people person... so you can't all go to see him."
Jessica: "And remember to plug your nose. I hear Myght is not the most hygienic."
Laike: "Hm... I don't know about the Black Dragon, but as far as flying goes... There's an eccentric inventor named Myght who lives near here. If we ask him, then he should easily be able to build a flying machine, at the very least. But, he's quite a hermit, so too many people shouldn't go. ...So, Alex, should the two of us go to Myght's Tower?"
Jessica: "See you later, Alex. We'll try to find out some information for you."
Location: Myght's Tower - any time
A sign with the password on it is blank, forcing you to guess the pattern. A sign has the password on it.
"Intruders: GO AWAY! Beware of the cranky, stinky, rude genius within. If you are an invited visitor, today's password is:"
Nall: "It's blank..."
"Today's password: '-planet- -star- -sun- -moon-'"
Location: Nanza - after the Vane-Grindery fight
There are some refugees from Vane in Nanza. There are no refugees from Vane in Nanza in Saturn version; there are in Playstation version.
(Quotation N/A) (Quotation N/A)
Location: Reza - after the Vane-Grindery fight
There are some refugees from Vane in Reza. There are no refugees from Vane in Reza in Saturn version; there are in Playstation version.
(Quotation N/A) (Quotation N/A)
Location: Grindery - when you visit the garden
Ghaleon captured the pixies because he likes them. The pixies lived in the Frontier. Ghaleon helped them because they were about to die out.
"Emperor Ghaleon likes pixies, so he had the Vile Tribe capture us for his garden. It's beautiful and peaceful here, but it's still a prison." "We pixies who were living in the Frontier were about to die out. But, Ghaleon helped us."
Location: Althena's Fortress - when you first enter
A recording says that the Magic Emperor is providing leadership. A recording says that the Fortress can be used for good or evil, depending on intent. No mention of the Magic Emperor.
"Distant Memories 4. Althena's wish has always been for her children to work together and someday return to the Blue Star. The Magic Emperor's desire is to rule Althena's children and provide the leadership he believes they need." "Distant Memories 4. Humanity's correct thoughts shall guide the Fortress to the Blue Star... Even so, humanity's evil thoughts shall transform the Fortress into a castle of madness. Righteous people have a strong desire, a strong wish to protect what you should protect. Those desires shall determine the truth."
Location: Althena's Fortress - before Alex approaches Luna atop the fortress
Mia makes the supposition that Ghaleon loved Althena. No one makes the supposition that Ghaleon loved Althena, only that he felt he needed to take her place.
Mia: "Fifteen years ago, Althena and Dyne made the decision to change their lives forever. It's not that Ghaleon didn't understand their decision... he didn't want to understand it. He loved Althena, I'm convinced of it... and he was jealous of the Dragonmaster. His heart was wounded, and his beliefs were shaken, when they chose to become human. He must have felt like his world was falling apart. And that must have been when he decided to take on the power of a god himself..." Mia: "Fifteen years ago, Althena and Dyne made a decision. It's not that Ghaleon couldn't understand that, but that he didn't want to understand, I'm sure... The weakest part of his heart was violently shaken... But, he couldn't ever admit to that weakness. At that time, Ghaleon lost all that he believed in... That must be how he felt... That's why he tried to take the power of a god for himself..."
Location: Althena's Fortress - as Alex approaches Luna atop the fortress
You must use Alex's Ocarina at the end to rescue Luna. (You also need to have it in Alex's inventory to finish the game.) You do not have to use Alex's Ocarina at the end to rescue Luna; in the non-MPEG Saturn version, you can't use it at all.
(Quotation N/A) (Quotation N/A)

(2) Minor Changes

These differences are usually noticeable, but sometimes require knowing more about Lunar, or other elements of the game, to pick up on the difference. These differences are sometimes intentional, though not always. Regardless, the changes only marginally affect the story, and not in any significant way.

Location: Burg - at the beginning of the game
Kid refers to the monument sword as Althena's sword. Kid refers to the monument sword as Dyne's sword.
"If you remove Althena's Sword [from the monument], let me see it, okay? Promise?" "If you remove Dyne's Sword [from the monument], let me see it, okay?"
Location: White Dragon Cave - when you first speak with Quark
Quark singles out Luna as being familiar. Quark doesn't say anything specifically to Luna about sensing 'that our souls are intertwined'.
Quark: "And perhaps we were destined to meet. You appear somehow very familiar to me... [to Luna] Yes, child. I sense that our souls are intertwined in some ancient manner..." (Quotation N/A)
Location: Weird Woods - when you first meet Laike
Laike has heard of Luna's name before. Laike has heard of Burg before, but doesn't mention anything about Luna's name being familiar.
Laike: "Hm, Luna... ... Oh... nothing. That's just a name I've not heard in a long time." Laike: "Oh, nothing. That village is where one of the Four Heroes, Dragonmaster Dyne... that was his home village, as I recall."
Location: Althena's Shrine - after Phacia gives you the invitation to Vane
Phacia ranks Alex's magic talent over Dyne's. Phacia never compares Alex's magic talent to Dyne's.
Phacia: "Not even Dragonmaster Dyne had the innate talent for magic that you do, Alex..." (Quotation N/A)
Location: Cave of Trial - when you first go through the Cave
Guy on last floor has been there for five years. Guy on last floor doesn't mention having been there for any length of time.
"I've been living in this cave since I started my trial five years ago." (Quotation N/A)
Location: Vane - any time in Vane
Book in northwest house sounds like it's about a woman's sordid love life. Book in northwest house is about Dyne's adventures.
(Quotation N/A) (Quotation N/A)
Location: Vane - the first time you visit the library
It would take 100 years to read all the books in the library. It would take 1000 years to read all the books in the library.
"Our head librarian estimated that it would take a hundred years to read every book in the Library... but I'm told that Ghaleon has read almost all of them!" "If you read one book a day in this library, it would take 1000 years to read them all... but I heard that Ghaleon has read them all! I don't believe it!"
Location: Vane - after Luna sees Ghaleon the first time, and Alex returns
Alex says the song he plays came to him in a dream, when asked about it by Luna. Alex is unsure where the song he plays came from, but doesn't mention anything about it having come to him in a dream.
Alex: "Dyne?! I didn't know that! That song just came to me one night... in a dream..." (Quotation N/A)
Location: Vane - when you restore the real Lemia's memory
Lemia was awakened by Althena's Mirror. Lemia was awakened by Althena's Mirror and Luna's song.
(Real) Lemia: "The gentle light shining forth from Althena's Mirror has awakened me..." (Real) Lemia: "...the gentle song and mysterious light... they have reawakened me."
Location: Transmission Spring - after Xenobia and her sisters reveal themselves
Everyone must pass the trial now, even residents. Everyone must just be checked more carefully prior to entering Vane.
"Now that the Vile Tribe has invaded Vane, everyone must pass the Trial to enter Vane. Even those who live there." "Now that the Vile Tribe has invaded Vane, then we'll have to strenuously check everyone who uses the Spring!"
Location: Althena's Shrine - after Xenobia and her sisters reveal themselves
Phacia arrived before Jessica did. Phacia arrived just when Jessica was not there--i.e., she had already left.
"Phacia was our head priestess before Jessica arrived here. Who could have known Phacia's true intentions back then?" "When Phacia came here as head priestess, Jessica was no longer here."
Location: Hag's House - when you return to Caldor Isle with Ghaleon
Old hag is upset with her sister's invitation to Meribia. Old hag considers her sister's invitation to Meribia.
Old Hag: "I haven't heard from my sister in 120 years, and now she wants to be friends? Bah! Witch!" Old Hag: "Yes, Black Rose Street wouldn't be too bad, he he he."
Location: Meribia - after Mel has been turned to stone
Guard was distracted by Xenobia and let her pass. Guard doesn't mention anything about being distracted by Xenobia or letting her pass.
"Xenobia said she was a messenger from Ghaleon, that's why I let her pass. I might have seen the evil in her eyes if I had been able to tear my gaze away from her b..." (Quotation N/A)
Location: Meryod - when you first visit
Villager warns that the bridge is rotten and can give way. Villager says the bridge is the 'Bridge of Truth' and can give way if you don't have a pure heart.
(Quotation N/A) "Did you all know? This bridge is the bridge of truth. Only people with pure heart can cross it. If you think it's a lie, then try to cross it, but I don't know what will happen. Hm hm hm..."
Location: Damon's Spire - when you first enter with the password
Password to enter is about wisdom. Password to enter is about light.
Mia: "Intelligence is the ultimate strength, and wisdom is the ultimate power..." Mia: "If you offer a present, then I like things of light!"
Location: Damon's Spire - when you first get to the third floor
Man on third floor is complaining of food poisoning. Kyle mentions Jessica's 'ex-lax cookies'. Man on third floor is still complaining of food poisoning (from bad manju), but no mention of 'ex-lax' cookies.
Kyle: "I haven't had that [food poisoning] since the last time Jess whipped up a batch of Ex-Lax cookies..." (Quotation N/A)
Location: Damon's Spire - when Damon asks the party to sculpt
Kyle's sculpture idea is a crowbar. Kyle's sculpture idea is an earpick.
Kyle: "It's a crowbar, or what we in the trade commonly call a jimmy!" Kyle: "This is what Dragonmaster Dyne's... cousin's friend's brother's acquaintaince's son used, a legendary earpick!"
Location: Damon's Spire - after receiving the Thieves' Guide
Rules for Thieves' Guild are simple. Rules for Thieves' Guild are more specific.
"Rule One: Always be careful. Rule Two: Don't get caught. Rule Three: See Rules One and Two." "Secret 1: Be careful! Dark words and easy roads!"
"Secret 2: A second of caution, always have a rope!"
Location: Damon's Spire - after receiving the Thieves' Guide from Damon
Damon isolated himself because he was frustrated with human behavior. Damon doesn't give a specific reason for isolating himself, but says that he finds it hard to understand human behavior.
Damon: "I finally isolated myself here because I found myself so very frustrated with human behavior." Damon: "Yes, there are various things. In particular, this thing called humanity is very difficult. But this is something that no one can understand, is it not? This thing called humanity."
Location: Red Dragon Cave - before the Red Dragon fades away
Red Dragon makes no mention of being immortal or seeing them again. Red Dragon tells Nall that the soul is immortal, and they will meet again.
(Quotation N/A) Red Dragon: "There is no need to be sad, Nall. The soul is... immortal... Eventually... in a faraway future... I will... meet you again..."
Location: Blue Dragon Cave - when you first speak with the Blue Dragon
Blue Dragon mentions past Dragonmasters Alicia (JP: Alicia) and Laticia (JP: Lina). Blue Dragon mentions past Dragonmasters Loka (EN: Loka in original, Gaull in remake) and Lina (EN: Laticia).
Blue Dragon: "Guh... sorry! I'm just rambling about things you wouldn't care anything about. I've always talked too much. Secrets were not my forte... Alicia and Laticia always joked that I should be called the Blabbing Blue Dragon..." Blue Dragon: "Ah, sorry, sorry. That doesn't concern you. I talk too much so I sometimes speak before thinking. Loka and Lina used to say that all the time."
Location: Tamur - when you first visit
One of the villagers is traveling after graduating from the Magic Guild. The same villager is only sightseeing.
"Well, hi! What brings you to Tamur? I traveled here after graduating from the Magic Guild... I just needed to get away from the big floating city for a while and have fun exploring the world!" "The countryside is really great. The air is fresh, and it's quieter than anything else. On top of that, the infamous Frontier is north of here. It's a bit thrilling, tee hee."
Location: Tamur - after meeting Laike and before going to Myght's Tower
Mia says the Black Dragon Cave is said to be in the Frontier. (Note that this was true in the Sega CD version, but not true in the remake). Mia doesn't mention the Black Dragon Cave being in the Frontier, only that you can't get to the Frontier except by flying.
Mia: "My mother once said that the lair of the Black Dragon was located on the Frontier... and that it was guarded jealously by the Vile Tribe. ... She also said that the only way to get there was by flying..." Mia: "Also, I heard from my mother that you can't get to the Frontier, where the Vile Tribe is, except by flying."
Location: Tamur - after meeting Laike and before going to Myght's Tower
Nash uses the past-tense when he says the Black Dragon couldn't stop Ghaleon. Nash doesn't use past-tense when referring to the Black Dragon.
Nash: "All of our efforts are useless. ... What good can we do? Not even the Black Dragon had the power to stop this..." Nash: "There's no reason to do any of this. Whatever happens, even the Black Dragon... ... If the dragons can't stand up to him, then what are we doing standing up to him..."
Location: Pao - after returning from the Black Dragon's Lair
Villager mentions a legend of a boy seeking to become Dragonmaster. Villager mentions a prophecy about someone entering the Black Dragon Fortress, and becoming a new Dragonmaster.
"There is a legend of a boy who comes here seeking out the Black Dragon... seeking to become the Dragonmaster. I hope the legend is true... and I pray you are that boy." "'When a person/people combining three great powers will enter the Black Dragon Fortress, a new warrior of the dragons will be born.' That is a story passed down from long ago for the Prairie Tribe. Now, that has become reality."
Location: Pao - after returning from the Black Dragon's Lair
Dyne used to visit Pao every so often. Dyne used to call upon the Black Dragon, implicitly to assist the Prairie Tribe during the nomadic season.
"Dragonmaster Dyne used to visit Pao every so often. I'll always remember his handsome face..." "When we were in the nomadic season, Dyne would call upon the Black Dragon."
Location: Pao - after returning from the Black Dragon's Lair
Returned singer describes Ghaleon, the Grindery, and fairies in his garden... and ABBA. Returned singer only describes Ghaleon and the Grindery, but no mention of fairies.
"The Magic Emperor kept me and the other singers inside the Grindery! He said he would use its power to enslave the entire world... but he's just talking crazy, isn't he? ... The only time I saw the Emperor smile is when he talked about how he would rule the world... oh, yes! And once when he was serenaded with an ABBA tune by the fairies in his garden..." "The kidnapped singers were all kept inside the Magic Emperor's mechanical castle. The Magic Emperor said that he was going to face off against the entire world with the mechanical castle."
Location: Pao - after returning from the Black Dragon's Lair
Villager implies that Laike has been coming to Pao regularly. Villager only says that Laike came to Pao a long while ago.
"Hey, guys. Tempest is chatting with an old friend of his... I think he said his name was Laike. He's been coming to Pao since I was a young one." "Tempest is inside meeting with a swordsman named Laike... Didn't he come to Pao a long while ago...?"
Location: Hag's House - after becoming Dragonmaster but before the Frontier
Old hag implies that she's old but doesn't give an age. Old hag says that she's 480 years old.
Old Hag: "In all my years, I've never seen a Dragonmaster as young as you!" Old Hag: "Oh? What's that then? What!? A Dragomaster!? Hee hee hee... I may be old, but I'm no fool! I'll be 480 years old this year. And in all that time, I've never seen a Dragonmaster as young as you!"
Location: Meribia - after becoming Dragonmaster but before the Frontier
Person says the 'samurai dragon' will visit this city. Person says that the 'warrior of the Dragons' will visit this city. The word is 'ryuu no kenshi', which was translated as 'samurai dragon' in English version.
"You are the Dragonmaster! The Wind Spirit told me the samurai dragon will visit this city soon." "Oh, you're the Dragonmaster! I learned from the Wind Spirit that soon the warrior of the Dragons would appear in this town."
Location: Myght's Tower - after Nash attacks Myght's airship
Kyle comes up with the idea to go back to Shira for the old balloon engine to use after Myght's is destroyed. No clear indication as to why Kyle is the one to come up with the idea. Kyle comes up with the idea to go back to Shira when he connects the word 'eccentric' [henjin] with 'engine' [enjin], which rhyme with each other.
(Quotation N/A) Kyle: "That's it! Eccentric [henjin]! Er, I mean, engine [enjin]! Where that air balloon fell!"
Location: Talon Mine - after the mine collapses, before going back
Alex says they must rescue the miner, even if what they're doing is wrong. Alex says they must rescue the miner, because they've done nothing wrong.
Alex: "We must try to help them, even if what they're doing is wrong..." Alex: "We're going to help them. Those people are being forced to work. They've done nothing wrong."
Location: Vane - when Vane is being evacuated
Lemia says she's lost respect for Nash. Lemia doesn't say she's lost respect for Nash.
Lemia (in response to Jessica's explanation that Nash is perhaps ashamed to speak directly with her): "And I don't blame Nash, either. Any respect I once held for him has been lost..." Lemia: "'Power is the source of everything'... That is what that person... what Ghaleon used to say. Nash was taken by that sort of violent philosophy..."
Location: Damon's Spire - after the Vane-Grindery fight
Damon says he generally doesn't attempt to influence history when he gives you the Hell Ring. Damon doesn't say anything about not influencing history when he gives you the Hell Ring.
Damon: "I record history. I do not attempt to influence it. But this case is special. If I refrain from assisting you, there may not be a future to record." Damon: "There is only one thing I can do to comfort you. I hope this will be useful..."
Location: Grindery - when you first visit the garden
Many of the pixies are resentful of Ghaleon. None of the pixies are resentful of Ghaleon; all are positive about him.
"Ghaleon treats all the pixies here like prizes in his personal trophy case." "This castle is full of Althena's power. That's why we are at peace here."
Location: Grindery - when you first see Luna, prior to Althena's Fortress rising
Nall prematurely says that Alex can break the spell on Luna's memory when you first see her at the top of the Grindery. (Note that at this point, you don't know that Luna's memory is still sealed.) Nall only says that Alex must save Luna when you reach the top of the Grindery.
Nall: "I know you'll find a way to break the spell and get her to remember who you are!" Nall: "Saving Luna is your goal, Alex! We'll be waiting right here."
Location: Meribia - after Althena's Fortress has risen
Lemia says that Dyne never told her about his last adventure, implying that Lemia perhaps knew who Dyne was after his 'death'. Lemia says that she was never told about Dyne's last adventure, but never stated by whom. No implication is in the Japanese version as to if Lemia knew about Dyne/Laike after Dyne's 'death'.
Lemia: "Fifteen years ago, the Goddess came to us in mortal form... But more than that, I know not. Dyne would never tell me what happened on his last adventure, no matter how often I asked. Now the power of the Goddess has been revived by Ghaleon..." Lemia: "Fifteen years ago, the Goddess Althena was reborn as a human... I always wondered just what happened on Dyne's last adventure... but I was never told anything... However, the one thing that is certain is that the Goddess Althena's power has been reawakened and is under absolute control of the Magic Emperor."
Location: Althena's Fortress - when you first enter
A recording says that Althena is all that connects the Blue Star and Lunar. A recording says that Althena's Fortress is the only memory that connects the Blue Star and Lunar.
"Distant Memories 3. All that connects our world to the Blue Star is Althena... Her Tower journeyed from the Blue Star carrying the dreams and desires of her children." "Distant Memories 3. There is only one memory that ties the Blue Star to this world... That is the Fortress of Althena. Humanity's dreams, and its thoughts, were placed on it, and it came here from the Blue Star..."
Location: Althena's Fortress - when you enter Althena's Tower
A message tells you the color-order for passage within Althena's Tower. A message only tells you the order of armor, to hint at the color-order for passage within Althena's Tower.
"Blue Dragon Helmet. Black Dragon Armor. Red Dragon Shield. White Dragon Wings. Remember the foregoing, for they shall lead you to the core of Althena's Tower..." "First is the helmet, next is the armor, then the shield, and last the wings. Remembering these will be the key to guide you into the core of the city."
Location: Althena's Fortress - in the middle of Althena's Tower
Color-order deeper within Althena's Tower is white-red-blue-black. Color-order deeper within Althena's Tower is red-black-white-blue.
"Smashing through the white ice... Sprinting through the red flames... Swimming through the blue water... Sojourning the black earth... This is the road that awaits the brave adventurer who wishes to behold the Goddess Althena..." "Pass through the red flame, traverse the black earth, smash the white ice, swim the blue waters. This is the road that should be taken by the person who will proceed to the Goddess Althena."
Location: Meribia - after saving Luna
After Kyle meets Mel, he gets the idea of an 'adventure business'. After Kyle meets Mel, he gets the idea of a 'protection business'.
Kyle: "I'm going to start an adventure business! Think about it, man... What wealthy person with too much free time wouldn't want me to show them the world?" Kyle: "Now that I have Mel's approval, it'll be hard to continue life as a bandit. Maybe I'll do something right and start a protection business for crossing the mountains... I could go far as the Bandit of Justice."
Location: Meribia - after saving Luna
After Ghaleon's defeat, Alex and Nall don't mention that Althena isn't around any more, but they do mention that there isn't a Dragonmaster and they're not fighting the Vile Tribe any longer. After Ghaleon's defeat, Alex and Nall don't seem to mind mentioning that Althena isn't around any more.
Nall: "There isn't a Dragonmaster anymore, kid... and we're not fighting the Vile Tribe."
Alex: "That's right. From this day onward, we're going to live together in peace..."
Nall: "There isn't a Dragonmaster nor Althena anymore. But, this is a good thing, right?"
Alex: "Right. From now on, the world is what each of us makes of it."

(3) Ambiguities

These are minor differences between the English and Japanese dialogue. Usually the differences are changes made for stylistic reasons, or changes in the nuances of certain statements. Occasional jokes which do not affect the story (main or background), but were modified as a part of the localization, are also in this section.

Location: White Dragon Cave - when you first speak with Quark
Quark says the last one to pass his trial was Dyne. Quark (Fidy) doesn't mention Dyne passing the trial.
Quark: "The last to succeed was a headstrong youth named Dyne." (Quotation N/A)
Location: White Dragon Cave - after Quark gives you the diamond
Quark mentions Alex's green eyes. Quark says nothing about Alex having green eyes.
Quark: "The time is upon us. And more importantly, Alex, you have the green eyes. When last I gazed upon eyes like yours, it was the shining face of Dyne I beheld..." (Quotation N/A)
Location: Weird Woods - when you first meet Laike
Laike notices Alex's green eyes. Laike doesn't mention Alex's green eyes.
Laike: "He has the green eyes... I wonder if..." Laike: "I see... an adventure..."
Location: Transmission Spring - when you first visit the spring
Person there (not the guardian) asks about how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop. Person there (not the guardian) muses about what might happen if Vane were to fall to the ground
(Quotation N/A) (Quotation N/A)
Location: Vane - any time you visit the library
Book theorizes that Althena has entered into a deep sleep. Book theorizes that 'a great power' has entered into a deep sleep, but doesn't specify that power as Althena.
'A small number of magicians believe that Althena has entered into a sleep of sorts... but are unsure as to when, or if, she will reawaken.' 'A great power has entered into a sleep, to some day be resurrected again. But, no one knows when that is.'
Location: Vane - any time you visit the library
Book indicates only that Althena is the one who created Lunar. Book indicates that Althena rules Lunar and is repeatedly reborn within it.
'It is the Goddess who created this world in which we live...' 'The Goddess Althena has ruled over this world while being reborn in it many times. Through her rebirths, Althena is immortal, and forever guides us all.'
Location: Lann - when Jessica first joins you
Jessica says she just had a fight with her 'former boyfriend'. Jessica says she just had a fight with a 'stupid boy'.
(Quotation N/A) Jessica: "I just had a fight with a stupid boy and I'm still irritated. I need to let off some steam."
Location: Vane - when Mia and Alex release the masked prisoner
Guild forbid the use of memory-blocking magic. Blocking memories is cruel, but no mention of it being explicitly forbidden by the Guild.
Mia: "The mask she's wearing is a magical device... it's used to block memories! The Guild forbid their use many years ago... who would do something so cruel?" Mia: "That mask! It's used to block memories! Who would do something so cruel?"
Location: Vane - after Luna is kidnapped, before visiting Meribia
Mia mentions growing up around Ghaleon. Mia doesn't mention growing up around Ghaleon, but does express shock as to what he's become.
Mia: "I grew up around Ghaleon... he use to read me bedtime stories!" (Quotation N/A)
Location: Damon's Spire - the first time you enter
Damon gives cryptic message when you enter. Damon specifically asks for the password when you enter.
Damon (image): "Those who seek out knowledge must have special knowledge first." Damon (image): "Who are you all? If you have come to meet with Damon, then you know the password, of course?"
Location: Damon's Spire - any time
The ark that brought people to Lunar was a giant fortress. The ark that brought people to Lunar was like a city.
"The craft that brought Althena' children from the Blue Star to the new world was an immense fortress." "The ship that brought people to this world from the Blue Star was like a giant city."
Location: Red Dragon Cave - when you first land at the cave
The Dragons' power is only slightly less powerful than Althena's. The Dragons' power is keeping the Red Dragon Cave cool, but no mention of the Dragons' power being nearly that of Althena.
Nash: "It's the power of the Red Dragon, of course... Althena's guardians are only slightly less powerful than the Goddess herself." Nash: "It's because of the power of the Red Dragon. With that, anything can be done."
Location: Lyton - when you first speak to the Elder
Elder says the village has lived in peace for hundreds of years. Elder doesn't mention when the village was built, or the villagers' pacifism.
Elder: "This village has lived in peace since it was built hundreds of years ago... We know nothing of combat." Elder: "Alex! The name of the green-eyed boy! Our song is the sound of wind, wind that crosses the valley, that is Lyton's song of the land. The wind is strange. We want to fix it, but because of the dangerous monsters, we can't. The monsters are in the cave, and we people of Lyton cannot go."
Location: Lyton/Grindery - when you play the song for the Blue Dragon
When Alex plays his ocarina at the lake, and Luna sings in the Grindery far away, Phacia says the song should warm their hearts. When Alex plays his ocarina at the lake, and Luna sings in the Grindery far away, Phacia mentions that it has the warmth of humanity.
Phacia: "Pity them, Royce? You should be in awe of them. ... If this song doesn't warm your heart, Royce, it's because yours is already dead." Phacia: "Really... This song has tremendous power, and the warmth of humanity."
Location: Blue Dragon Cave - while Blue Dragon is dying/disappearing
Blue Dragon mentions Ghaleon's jealousy of Dyne and Althena. Blue Dragon doesn't mention Ghaleon's jealousy of Dyne/Althena.
Blue Dragon: "I was careless... ... Ghaleon... swore allegiance to Althena... along with Dyne. But now... that allegiance has been... forsaken... and I think I understand... why. ... Ghaleon was... jealous of Dyne and Althena... all this time... how... pathetic. ... She [the Goddess]... fifteen years ago... her power was lo..." Blue Dragon: "It couldn't be... Ghaleon... He swore allegiance to Althena, along with Dyne. But... Althena... Ghaleon... You can attain the dream that Dyne and Ghaleon wanted... Alex... are you listening...? ... Alex, please... Become Dragonmaster, and protect Althena. She is the one who 15 years ago... with that power..."
Location: Tamur - after Alex and Tempest fight
Tempest's necklace is an heirloom. Tempest's necklace is not specifically mentioned as an heirloom.
Tempest: "This amulet was bestowed upon me by the elders of our tribe. It is a symbol of bravery beyond what is normal." Tempest: "Alex, this is a sign of bravery for the Prairie Tribe. It is the Dragon Necklace."
Location: Forest of Illusion - when the party rests in the forest
Jessica asks Kyle if they should patch things up. Jessica doesn't say anything to Kyle about patching things up.
Jessica: "Kyle... the Blue Star looks beautiful tonight, doesn't it? I've been thinking, Kyle, about you and us... And what I think is that we should give it ano... ... Just my luck you'd drop off to sleep before I get the words right in my head..." Jessica: "The Blue Star looks really beautiful tonight, doesn't it Kyle? ...Kyle? ... Hrmph, you're killing the mood! Well, I may as well sleep."
Location: Pao - when you first hear Luna's song
Jessica describes the evil song as one she's heard at Althena's Shrine. Jessica describes the evil song as Althena's song.
Jessica: "And that song... I know I've... heard it at... Althena's Shrine... but who is... using it... for evil?" Jessica: "This is... just like... Althena's song... but that... shouldn't be..."
Location: Saith - after becoming Dragonmaster but before the Frontier
Person says that Dyne has come back to save Mel (when addressing Dragonmaster Alex). Person says that a Dragonmaster can save Mel, not that Dyne has come back (when addressing Dragonmaster Alex).
"Dragonmaster Dyne! You've come back from the grave to save Hell Mel!" "With a Dragonmaster, Mel can be saved!"
Location: Vane - after becoming Dragonmaster but before the Frontier
Villager says the Magic Emperor has slain all the Dragons. Villager says the Magic Emperor has defeated all the Dragons. This can mean either slain or simply defeated.
"The Magic Emperor has slain all the Dragons. Can we defeat him without their help? A Dragonmaster without his Dragons seems to be like a magic spell with no effect..." "All the Dragons have been defeated by the Magic Emperor... After that the war with the Vile Tribe has basically begun. Do you think we can win...?"
Location: Iluk - after becoming Dragonmaster but before the Frontier
Shira says that Myght is his hero. He doesn't say at this point that Myght was his teacher (one of Myght's apprentices tells you that). Shira says that Myght was his teacher.
Shira: "You met with Myght? He's my hero! I've idolized that man since the first time I heard of his achievements..." Shira: "Eh? You met Myght? You know, Myght was my teacher. My goal is to try and make an invention that surpasses even Myght's!"
Location: Myght's Tower - before the airship is completed the first time
Myght quotes Working Designs when the airship is finished. Myght only says the airship is finished.
Myght: "Delays are temporary, but mediocrity is forever! Nyaah!" Myght: "All right. It's done."
Location: Myght's Tower - as you leave for the Frontier on the airship
Laike says that Alex must undo what he has done. Laike says that only Alex can do what must be done--i.e., stopping Ghaleon.
Laike: "I'm sorry that you must undo what I have done... good luck and Godspeed, friend." Laike: "(Alex, only you can do this...)"
Location: Talon Mine - when you fall into Xenobia's trap
Kyle makes crude remark when lights go out. Kyle doesn't make crude remark when lights go out.
Kyle: "Alex! Alex, I'm blind!! I can't believe this... I always thought that saying was just a myth!" Kyle: "Huh, Alex, where are you? Watch out, this is no ordinary blackout!"
Location: Cadin - when you first enter the shrine
Phacia expresses her belief that they can beg for forgiveness, and that Xenobia's way is wrong. Phacia doesn't mention begging for forgiveness, but does say that Xenobia's way is wrong.
Phacia: "Instead of stealing Althena's power, I believe we can beg forgiveness... After all, we were the ones that transgressed the bounds of good. I believe that in her love and wisdom, she would welcome us back into her light. For you see, I have watched the progress and discovery you have made on your journey. And I have realized that what my sisters are doing is wrong..." Phacia: "...we Vile Tribe need Althena's power to live. That is why we will do anything. My elder sister, Xenobia, says that. ...but, I don't believe that... ... The Goddess Althena's power... there may be another way we should obtain it, besides through confrontation. While watching your travels, I have come to believe that..."
Location: Ruid - when you first see Taben
Taben addresses the group as 'humans'. Taben only welcomes the group to the lab; he doesn't address them as 'humans'.
Taben: "Well, well, well... To what do we owe the pleasure of this visit, humans?" Taben: "Welcome! To my, Taben's, Magic Laboratory!"
Location: Ruid - as Nash attacks the party
Nash implies that everyone's going to die later. Nash doesn't imply that everyone's going to die later.
Nash: "I shan't kill you... that comes later... and not at my hand..." Nash: "...It's ok, I won't kill you. But until it's all over, I'll just put you to sleep."
Location: Vane - when Vane is being evacuated
Classes have been suspended for the first time in Vane's history. Classes have been suspended for the first time in Vane's 1000-year history.
"I've decided to call a halt to all classes at the Magic Guild until Ghaleon has been defeated. This is the first time in the history of Vane that such a drastic measure was deemed necessary..." "Until Ghaleon is defeated, classes at the Magic School have been temporarily suspended... In the 1000 years that Vane has been here, this is the first time that has happened."
Location: Meribia - after the Vane-Grindery fight
One of the guards at the mansion mentions a giant cannon in the basement. One of the guards suggests making the mansion into something that can transform into a fighting machine.
Guard: "Uh, Jessica, what about the giant cannon in the basement?"
Jessica: "Shhhh!!"
Guard: "By any chance does this mansion have any mechanism where it can turn into something and fight?"
Jessica: "That joke's in bad taste! Isn't it, Mia?"
Mia: "Really? I think that would be cool..."
Jessica: "...sometimes, Mia, I don't understand your tastes..."
Location: Iluk/Meribia - after the Vane-Grindery fight
Shira and Myght were summoned to Meribia to build an aerial battleship. Shira was summoned to Meribia to help build a battleship--no mention of it being aerial.
(in Iluk) Shira: "I've been told of plans to build a huge aerial battleship in Meribia... and they want Myght and I to design its engines! I just hope that I'm up to the challenge!"
(in Meribia) Guard: "Master Mel has summoned Mr. Myght. and Mr. Shira to the mansion... He wants to construct a huge flying battleship. I think he was inspired by watching Vane in combat!"
(in Iluk) Shira: "There appear to be plans to build a giant battleship in Meribia. And I'm to offer my assistance... I'm really happy about this."
(in Meribia) Guard: "Mel has summoned Myght and Shira here, apparently to build a giant battleship. Seems inspired by the battle between Vane and the Grindery. But, I wonder if we'll ever have the occasion to use it."
Location: Grindery - after Phacia opens the magic door at the top
The age of the three sisters relative to one another is never explicity indicated. Xenobia is the eldest, Phacia is the middle child, and Royce is the youngest sister, based on how they refer to one another.
Xenobia: "Shame on you, sister! I can't believe you'd sink so low as to betray your master AND your tribe!"
Royce: "But then, you never WERE able to keep a secret..."
Royce: "Phacia, older sister, it's just like you to talk too much."
Location: Meribia - after Althena's Fortress has risen, and Kyle rejoins
Kyle recalls his promise to Jessica by recalling an event that happened when they were kids. Kyle recalls his promise to Jessica, but no mention of anything that happened when they were kids.
Kyle: "When Jess and me were kids, another boy hit her and made her cry. I beat the tar out of that punk... and I promised Jess I'd do the same to anyone who hurt her. I'll never forget making that promise to you, Jess. Never." Kyle: "I won't forgive anyone who makes Jessica cry. When we were kids, I made that promise to Jessica, and I still haven't forgotten..."
Location: Meribia - after Althena's Fortress has risen, and the party is back
Laike says the White Dragon will take them back to Burg. Laike only says that they're returning to where it all began when they go back to Burg.
Laike: "And, the White Dragon is going to take us there." Laike: "Where you took the first steps of your adventure... White Dragon Wings!"
Location: Burg - after the flashback where Laike describes the last rebirth
Laike only says that 'something went wrong' at Althena's last rebirth. Laike says that Althena's power began to unusually run wild at Althena's last rebirth.
Laike: "Something went wrong when the Goddess Althena began the transformation. She was in grave danger... and I had to use every bit of my power to help her complete the change. Dyne 'died' on that day... and was reborn as Laike. I have never regretted what I did, Alex. Not until Ghaleon became the Magic Emperor..." Laike: "At that time, when she was reborn as a human, quite abnormally Althena's power began to run wild... In order to control her rebirth, I had to use every last bit of my magic power... Dyne, as a Dragonmaster, died at that time... I've had no regrets about that to this day, but Ghaleon..."
Location: Burg - after the party leaves with Nall for Althena's Fortress
Laike supposes Ghaleon meant to fill the void left by Althena, when the party leaves for the Fortress. Laike doesn't make any suppositions on Ghaleon's intention when the party leaves for the Fortress.
Laike: "Ghaleon never understood why Althena gave up her power. He never believed that humans could lead themselves... And I suspect he always planned to fill the void created when Althena became human." Laike: "Ghaleon... with the power of humanity... That's something you [Ghaleon] wanted to understand, but... ... Alex, take care of Althena..."
Location: Althena's Fortress - before Alex approaches Luna atop the fortress
Nall says Alex can revive Luna's memories somehow, after Ghaleon's defeat. Nall doesn't mention reviving Luna's memories, after Ghaleon's defeat.
Nall: "I know you can awaken her memories somehow... I know you can revive her heart!" Nall: "Luna is waiting for you, Alex. And, Luna still loves you, Alex! That's right, isn't it Alex? So, you'll be okay. I know that you and Luna won't lose this. Go quickly, Alex, and save Luna!"
Location: Meribia - after saving Luna
After Ghaleon's defeat, when Jessica is taking Kyle to see Mel, Kyle is worried about Mel's take on their relationship. After Ghaleon's defeat, when Jessica is taking Kyle to see Mel, Kyle only comes up with an excuse to try and avoid it.
Kyle: "How do you think he's gonna take the news that we're back together again?" Kyle: "That's not it! I'm just... ... ...isn't this something just between father and child? I don't want to come between you two."
Location: Meribia - after saving Luna
After Ghaleon's defeat, Lemia says that it's her leadership that led to the corruption of the Guild. After Ghaleon's defeat, Lemia only says that the Guild needs new leadership--nothing about corruption.
Lemia: "Mia, it's obvious that my reign at the Magic Guild is over. It was my leadership that led to the corruption of the Guild... and it was your actions that saved it, and the world. Which person do you think has the trust and support of the people of Vane? I am confident in you, Mia... and after all you have done, you should be confident as well. Nash... I expect you to support Mia and obey her commands. What she does NOT need at this crucial time in the history of the Guild is to be doubted..." Lemia: "Mia, to manage the Magic Guild henceforth, new power is necessary. I'm sure you can do this, that is why I believe in you. Nash, please treat Mia well."
Location: Meribia - after saving Luna
After Ghaleon's defeat, Nash says that Mia's asked him to be one of the teachers at the Magic Guild. After Ghaleon's defeat, Nash considers becoming a teacher along with Mia, but there's no mention of her having already asked him to do so.
Nash: "Mia has asked me to be one of the teachers at the Magic Guild! Since I'm one of the Five Heroes, I'm certain to be popular with the female students..." Nash: "For now, it might be good for me to become one of the teachers at the Magic Guild with Mia. Because I was one of the heroes who once saved the world, I should be popular with the female students. My box will be full of love-letters, saying 'Oh, Mr. Nash~ <3'. And I'll have a mountain of presents, so much that Mia will get angry... Hm, it'll be troubling..."

(4) Name Clarifications

This section is self-explanatory. These are differences, or clarifications, in the translation or transliteration of certain character names, locations, titles, items, etc.

Location: Weird Woods - when you first meet Laike
Laike introduces himself just as Laike. Laike introduces himself as Laike Bogard [reiku bogaado].
(Quotation N/A) (Quotation N/A)
Location: White Dragon Cave - when you first meet Quark
The White Dragon is named Quark, and he refers to himself as "tetrarch of the Dragon Tribe". The White Dragon is named Fidy [faidii], and there is no word corresponding to 'tetrarch' that he uses to refer to himself.
(Quotation N/A) (Quotation N/A)
Location: Saith - the first time in Saith
Gambler's name is Brett. Gambler's name is Crysa [kuraisa].
(Quotation N/A) (Quotation N/A)
Location: Meribia - any time
Mel's nickname is "Hell Mel". Mel's nickname is "Bloody Mel" [chimamire meru].
(Quotation N/A) (Quotation N/A)
Location: Vane - any time in the library
Book mentions several Dragonmasters: Leon (Zeon in Sega CD version), Gaull (Loka in Sega CD version), Alicia and Laticia, and Natto. Book mentions several Dragonmasters: Zeon, Loka, Alicia and Lina (Asty and Liza in Sega CD version), and Southern Natto
'Name any Dragonmaster and you can hear a hundred different tales of their incredible adventures. Leon, the Mighty Gale, who fought his foes with the blinding force of a hurricane... Gaull, the Iron Hand, who could fell the largest man with a single swing of his granite fists... Alicia and Laticia, twin sisters who proved that two is better than one... Natto, the Singing Swordsman, who often burst into song while decimating his enemies...' 'Cyclone Zeon [zeon], Iron Fist Loka [roka], the Gold and Silver Twins: Alicia [arishia] and Lina [rixina], the Singing Swordsman Southern Natto [sazaan'natto], and so on and so on... The tales of the Dragonmasters are many and still being told...'
Location: Lann Island - before you fight the false Dragonmaster
False Dragonmaster calls himself Zoc. False Dragonmaster never gives his name.
"What business do you have bothering me, the great Dragonmaster Zoc?!" "You must not know that this is where the Dragonmaster, the Guardian of the Goddess Althena, resides."
Location: Myght's Tower - when you first meet Myght
Myght introduces himself as just Myght. Flatulence and buzzing flies sound effects added. Myght introduces himself as Myght Farmine [maito faamain]. No background sound effects.
Myght: "Didn't you read the sign warning about the cranky, stinky, rude genius? Well that's me! I hate noise, interruptions, and people! You're trespassing! Go away!" Myght: "Who are you guys? This is Myght Farmine, the best inventor of the world. I don't like people, so why are you here? ..."
Location: Tamur - when you first meet Tempest and Fresca
The two people from the Prairie Tribe are named Tempest and Fresca. The two people from the Prairie Tribe are named Temzin [temujin] and Pilya [piria]. (Side note: Temujin was Genghis Khan's given name, which has some relationship to the Mongolian nomad style of Pao and the Prairie Tribe's tents in the Sega CD version; but, this was changed to a Lakota Sioux-style village in the remakes).
(Quotation N/A) (Quotation N/A)
Location: Tamur - after Alex and Tempest fight
The item that Tempest gives Alex is labeled the 'Dragon Necklace'. The item that Tempest gives Alex is labeled 'Tempest's Necklace', but called a Dragon Necklace by Tempest.
(Quotation N/A) (Quotation N/A)
Location: Lann - after the Vane-Grindery fight
The mayor gives you 'Ghaleon's Tear' after the fall of Vane. (Note that this is similar to Eternal Blue, which names an item 'Lucia's Tear' instead of 'Devil's Tear' in the English version) The mayor gives you 'Devil's Tear' after the fall of Vane. (Note that this is similar to Eternal Blue, which names an item 'Devil's Tear' instead of 'Lucia's Tear' in the Japanese version)
(Quotation N/A) (Quotation N/A)
Location: Althena's Fortress - when Althena's Fortress has risen
The fortress is referred to as Althena's Fortress. The fortress is referred to as the 'Magic City of Althena' [madou toshi arutena].
(Quotation N/A) (Quotation N/A)
Location: Meribia - after saving Luna
No mention of Nash's last name in the English version. After Ghaleon's defeat, one kid (of the ones who are playing in the plaza) mentions Nash's full name: Nash Lumach [nasshu ruumakku].
(Quotation N/A) "I am the second greatest magician in the Magic Guild, Nash Lumach! Eh? Who is the first? That... that's... that's none of your business!"

(5) Miscellaneous

These are other changes not related to dialogue or the story itself. Gameplay changes, additional elements in the game (soundtrack changes, e.g.), and other differences not classified elsewhere are in this section.

Location: General - any time
Alex's Ocarina can't be given to anyone. Alex's Ocarina can be given to Nall (but no one else).
(Quotation N/A) (Quotation N/A)
Location: General - any time
Alex's Ocarina can be used as music player. Alex's Ocarina can't be used as music player in non-MPEG Saturn version; although it can be used as music player in Playstation version.
(Quotation N/A) (Quotation N/A)
Location: General - any time
Only instrumental songs play for all Bromides. Music and vocals play for: Mia's Bromide 1-3 (Fairy Rain), Jessica's Bromide 1-3 (Jessica's song), Luna's Bromide (Wind's Nocturne)
(Quotation N/A) (Quotation N/A)
Location: Vane - when Xenobia and the others reveal their identities
When Xenobia, Phacia, and Royce reveal their true identities, part of a modified version of the Vile Tribe theme from The Silver Star (Sega CD) is played in the background while the three are speaking. The Vile Tribe theme from The Silver Star (Sega CD) is not played when Xenobia, Phacia, and Royce reveal their true identities.
(Quotation N/A) (Quotation N/A)
Location: Forest of Illusion - when the party rests in the forest
When Alex has his dream about Luna in the forest, part of Luna's vocal song from The Silver Star (Sega CD) is played. Luna's vocal song from The Silver Star (Sega CD) is not played when Alex has his dream about Luna in the forest.
(Quotation N/A) (Quotation N/A)
Location: Men's Spring - any time you can visit the spring
You only get one cinema (Kyle or Nash) per bar of soap. (Note that this is the same as the Women's Spring.) You get both cinemas (Kyle and then Nash) in one go, instead of having to repeat the visit with another bar of soap. (Note that this is unlike the Women's Spring, where you can only get one cinema at a time.)
(Quotation N/A) (Quotation N/A)
Location: Althena's Fortress - after saving Luna
When the Fortress is crashing into the lake, the sad piano theme from The Silver Star (Sega CD) is played. The sad piano theme from The Silver Star (Sega CD) is not played when the Fortress is crashing into the lake.
(Quotation N/A) (Quotation N/A)
Location: Meribia - after saving Luna
After Ghaleon's defeat, Alex has Althena's Sword and the White Dragon Wings in his inventory, but none of the Dragon Armor. After Ghaleon's defeat, Alex has Althena's Sword in his inventory, but not the White Dragon Wings nor the Dragon Armor.
(Quotation N/A) (Quotation N/A)
Location: Meribia - after saving Luna
After Ghaleon's defeat, Alex and Luna have 0MP and cannot cast Dragon Magic or Luna's songs. After Ghaleon's defeat, Alex and Luna have the same amount of MP as they did before, and would still be able to cast Dragon Magic or Luna's songs.
(Quotation N/A) (Quotation N/A)
Location: Credits - at the end of the game
Outtakes are at the end of the credits. No outtakes at the end of the credits.
(Quotation N/A) (Quotation N/A)

(6) Similarities

These are selected equivalences between the English and Japanese versions. By and large, the script and elements in the games between the versions are identical. The items listed here are only similarities which are unexpected, and reflect elements which have been commonly (and incorrectly) assumed to be differences made in localization.

Location: Saith - when you first visit
Villager in one house is missing his dentures when he tries to talk to you. Same villager is still missing his dentures when he tries to talk to you.
(Quotation N/A) (Quotation N/A)
Location: Leaving Saith - when riding the Hispaniola
When talking to the man at the helm, he explains that he's 'steering' the ship; Nall asks what it has to do with cattle (i.e., the pun is on the word 'steer'). (Note: I was just impressed with how this pun was translated.) When talking to the man at the helm, he explains that he's controlling the rudder ('kaji'); Nall says that he doesn't see a fire ('kaji') anywhere around (i.e., the pun is on the word 'kaji').
(Quotation N/A) (Quotation N/A)
Location: Meribia - when you first visit Black Rose Street
Man on Black Rose Street can't find his magic wig. Same man on Black Rose Street still can't find his magic wig.
(Quotation N/A) (Quotation N/A)
Location: Vane - when you first visit the Magic Guild
Join the Mia Fan Club and get a free poster! Join the Mia Fan Club and still get a free poster!
(Quotation N/A) "If you join the Mia Fan Club now, then you'll get a free poster <3"
Location: Iluk - when you first visit
Man in Iluk reads up on 'Hot Girl News' about Mia. Man in Iluk reads up on 'Hot Girl News' about Mia. Only difference is that it doesn't explicitly state that this is Mia's first time out of Vane.
"This week's 'Hot Girl News' says that the reclusive Mia Ausa has left Vane for the first time in her life. ... As soon as I get a solid lead as to her location, I am taking my camera and finding that mysterious vixen..." "According to this month's 'Beautiful Girl Info', ah! Mia of Vane has left on a journey... Ah! Hm hm hm, now is my chance! I'll get it, I'll get it... hm hm hm hm hm <3"
Location: Men's Spring - any time you can visit the spring
Mosaic is over Kyle's ass, but not over Nash's. Audio voice effects used are also the same as the Japanese version. Mosaic is still over Kyle's ass, and still not over Nash's.
(Quotation N/A) (Quotation N/A)
Location: Damon's Spire - when Damon asks the party to sculpt
Mia's sculpture is Gorgon Ghidra. He's so cute! Mia's sculpture is Gorgon Ghidra. He's so cute!
Mia: "It's Gorgon Ghidra! Isn't he just the most adorable thing you've ever seen?! I LOVE little 'Gon! ... You think I'm weird, don't you? But he's so CUTE! Look at his round body and his beady little eyes! He just makes me MELT! ... Stop it, you two! Don't fight in front of cute little 'Gon!" Mia: "It's a Gorgon Ghidra, Lil Gon, isn't he cute? Tee hee <3"
Nash: "That's unexpected..."
Mia: "Why is it unexpected? Isn't it cute? With it's cute beady eyes... Right, Jessica? ... Stop it you two! Don't fight in front of Lil Gon!"
Location: Women's Spring - any time you can visit the spring
You only get one cinema (Mia or Jessica) per bar of soap. (Note that this is like the Men's Spring.) You only get one cinema (Mia or Jessica) per bar of soap. (Note that this is unlike the Men's Spring, where you get both cinemas at once.)
(Quotation N/A) (Quotation N/A)

(7) Bromides/Items

This is a consolidated list of all the bromide locations and some of the special items in the game. Locations are listed for the English Playstation, Japanese Playstation, and Japanese Saturn versions. In some cases differences exist, in other cases the locations are the same between two or three of the versions.

BromideEnglish (PS)Japanese (PS)Japanese (SAT)
Luna's Bromide 1 After Ghaleon's final defeat, speak with Ramus. He'll give you this.
Luna's Bromide 2 After Luna's capture by Ghaleon, check a shelf in Alex's basement in Burg. You'll find this. This bromide is not in Saturn version.
Mia's Bromide 1 When Nash first joins the party, this is in his inventory.
Mia's Bromide 2 When Vane is being evacuated, speak with a student in the Magic Guild's eastern classroom. He gives you this. After Althena's Fortress has risen, speak with Ramus at his store. He'll give you this.
Mia's Bromide 3 After Ghaleon's final defeat, speak with Ramus. He'll sell you this (if you've paid his 30S debt at the beginning of the game).
Mia's Bromide 4 After Nash's betrayal, speak to the man in the lower-left house in Iluk. You'll get this from him. This bromide is not in Saturn version.
Jessica's Bromide 1 After Alex becomes Dragonmaster, speak with a girl in the back of the main Shrine to Althena. She gives this to you. After Lily's kidnapping (or after Kyle joins the party), speak with a girl in the back of the main Shrine to Althena. She gives this to you.
Jessica's Bromide 2 After Alex becomes Dragonmaster, speak to the guy at the docks in Lann. He gives you this (if you've talked to him earlier in the game, after returning from Lann Isle but before defeating the false Dragonmaster). After Althena's Fortress has risen, speak with Ramus in his store. He gives you this.
Jessica's Bromide 3 After Ghaleon's final defeat, speak with Ramus. He'll sell you this (if you've paid his 30S debt at the beginning of the game).
Jessica's Bromide 4 After Kyle defeats the monsters in Nanza, but before he joins the party, check Kyle's bed in underground Nanza. You'll find this. This bromide is not in Saturn version.
Royce's Bromide After the Vile Tribe attacks Meribia, but before going to Vane, speak with a guy on Black Rose Street in Meribia. You'll get this from him. After Lily's kidnapping (or after Kyle joins the party), speak with Ramus in his store. He will sell you this, along with the Rememberizer. After Lily's kidnapping (or after Kyle joins the party), speak with Ramus in his store. He will sell you this.
Phacia's Bromide After Xenobia and her sisters reveal themselves in Vane, speak with the head priestess in the Shrine to Althena. She gives you this After Lily's kidnapping (or after Kyle joins the party), speak with Ramus in his store. He will sell you this, along with the Rememberizer. After Lily's kidnapping (or after Kyle joins the party), speak with Ramus in his store. He will sell you this.
Xenobia's Bromide After the Grindery leaves the Frontier, speak with a miner in the back of Talon Mine (in the mines themselves). He gives you this. After Lily's kidnapping (or after Kyle joins the party), speak with Ramus in his store. He will sell you this, along with the Rememberizer. After Lily's kidnapping (or after Kyle joins the party), speak with Ramus in his store. He will sell you this.
ItemEnglish (PS)Japanese (PS)Japanese (SAT)
Alex's Ocarina You start off with the ocarina. It can be used also as a soundtrack/music player. You start off with the ocarina. It cannot be used as a soundtrack/music player.
Rememberizer After becoming Dragonmaster but before the Frontier, speak with Ramus at his store. He will give you this for free. If you speak to Ramus at his store after Ghaleon's final defeat, he will sell you this for 65000S. After Lily's kidnapping (or after Kyle joins the party), speak with Ramus in his store. He will give you this. The Rememberizer is not in Saturn version.
Gale Ring Speak to Lily in Reza after getting the Thieves' Guide, and promise to come back to play with her later. Speak to her again after the Vane-Grindery fight (and before entering the Grindery). She gives you the Gale Ring.
Ghaleon's Tear
Devil's Tear
Speak to the mayor of Lann after becoming Dragonmaster but before the Frontier, and agree to be an honorary citizen of Lann. Speak to him again after the Vane-Grindery fight (and before entering the Grindery). He gives you Ghaleon's Tear.

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