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Lunar I&II Official Design Material Collection Interviews
Translation by Maou


Game Arts’ Lunar series has captured the hearts of gamers around the world with its inspiring stories, beautiful art, strong soundtracks, and intricate worldviews. In 1995, Softbank Books released the “Lunar I&II Koushiki Settei Shiryou Shuu,” or “Lunar I&II Official Design Material Collection,” which features art, continuity sketches, world designs, cels, and numerous interviews with the staff involved in the Lunar series. This document provides translations for the interviews found on pages 88-108 of the Process section of this book so that English-speaking fans can learn about the plans, thoughts, and ideas that went into the making of the Lunar series. Each interview is prefaced by a description of the interviewed staff member’s role in the Lunar series that appears next to his picture (often on the facing page in the book). Page numbers are included so that owners of this book may follow along as they read the translation. The dashed lines indicate the interviewer’s dialogue. Asterisks indicate a boldfaced question header that designates some of the content of the next part of the interview. As these are informal interviews, the dialogue may occasionally appear disorganized or unfinished. At certain points, the staff may mention references that a non-Japanese reader may not be familiar with, so I have included in brackets short explanations of relevant works that are cited. Finally, in the interest of accuracy to the original Japanese, this translation mainly uses the original character and location names present in the Japanese Lunar series, but I have listed below all of the changed names that are mentioned in this interview and their English equivalents. I hope that this document will be an enjoyable read and provide greater insight for readers into the creation of Lunar I and II. I would love to receive any questions or comments you have at

Original = English
Arhes = Alex
False Dragons = Dragon Fiends
Hiero = Hiro
Killy = Kyle
Laeik = Laike
Linus = Lunn
Machine Mountain = Taben’s Peak
Masked White Knight = Mystere
Nasch = Nash
Rong-Fa = Ronfar
Temis = Takkar
Vheen = Vane
Vargan = Destiny

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