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After expelling the Vile Tribe, Glen took a liking to the three students, and returned them to the dean with a scholarship. When the chapter begins, Steel has stepped out, but left a letter on his desk which informs them that he'd like for the three of them to be students under Dadis. |
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Rather than going straight to Dadis, speak with the other professors from whom you can learn some more spells--plus new ones for Wing. You may be able to get spells from Emma (on the first floor), and you'll definitely get spells for Wing from Ralph (in the library). Also, if you have enough money for it, then pick up at least one Quintet Robe from the Robe shop (1800S), and equip it on Lena--you can equip the Power Robe she used to have on Wing. If you have enough for two, then get a Quintet Robe for Lena and Wing for now. (If you have enough for three, then go all-out.) Don't forget to sell off some items in Alba's shop if you need some more money. |
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When you're ready to continue, go to Dadis' laboratory (northeast corner of town). Enter and talk with him. He's forgotten who you are again, but then remembers you three as Ellie, Lena, and Senia. Anyway, Lena asks why he's troubled, and Dadis says he's run out of "Tan", a rock, which he could find more of in the cave by the beach to the southeast (you've been there before in Chapter 2 and Chapter 7). Lena says to leave it up to them; it's an easy matter for a group of scholarship students (Wing, meanwhile, is focused more on Lena). |
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Leave town and go to the same beach to the southeast, with the cave, where you were in Chapters 2 and 7. Go to the cave, and you'll find Brown, Eleonora, and some others. Speak to Brown; he and Eleonora will explain that the cave has been inhabited by a group of Lizardmen, and they're going to do an investigation before anyone gets hurt. As she's speaking, a lizardman jumps out and kidnaps her (surprise).
Wing: Oh no! What do we do? |
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If you speak with Brown, he'll remember that he has something else he needs to attend to and asks you three to help. Enter the cave now.
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Just then, Wing feels faint and passes out. He has a quick dream sequence where Lena runs up and says she loves him, then regains consciousness outside the cave with Lena and Ellie there. Wing stutters and starts to ask Lena something, but gives up; Lena says she hates it when people don't speak clearly, which leaves Wing disheartened. Anyway, you have the Tan rock now, so it's time to return. |
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Go back to town. Since you've just gained a few levels probably, speak with the professors again to see if you can gain some spells. You might be able to learn a spell from Emma at this point. |
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Now go to Dadis' laboratory. Speak with him, and after asking who you are, Lena explains that they've retrieved the Tan rock he wanted. After trying to jog his memory as to why they asked for the stone, and how they're actually his students by request of the dean, Lena finally suggests that they return to the office building to get Steel himself--he might have returned by now. |
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You don't need to go to the office building necessarily. If you do, go up to the top floor and the eastern room to Steel's desk, and you'll find a letter on top of there--read it and it says that there's been a disturbance at the dormitory, and asks the students to be careful. So, it's off to the dorms. |
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Leave the building and enter the dormitory. Ant and his friends will be inside the lobby. Ant tells you that since you're scholarship students, you should slay the "Zigan" monster. Layla acts all polite and nice to you, saying that it shouldn't be a problem for scholarship students such as yourself. Zigan is a monster in the center of the island of Ien, due east of town. Everyone keeps asking Lena and her friends to defeat the monster, until she finally gets irritated and agrees already. |
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After this, leave town and head directly east. You'll see a small island in the middle of a lake; cross the bridge and enter the forest on the island.
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Attempt to fight Zigan. Soon enough, Wing will get knocked unconscious and Lena will yell for them to escape. While out, Wing has another dream; he's in Lena's home village during harvest time, but is soon revived by Lena calling his name. She tells them that they'd better return to the office building in town. |
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Go west to return to town and enter the office building in the center. (If you've gained sufficient levels in the last dungeon, then you can go speak with the professors in town to see if you can learn any new spells.) Go to the top floor and go to Steel's desk in the east room. Read the letter left on his desk. Steel wrote that, while it's a pity what happened with Zigan, they shouldn't be too impatient; eventually they'll be able to defeat him. Furthermore, he needs to speak with Wing personally at Glen's house, and requests that he go there. Wing says he'll be back soon and leaves. After he's left, Ellie asks if Lena is worried about him; Lena smiles and says she is, sort of--but her type is the kind of guy with more self-confidence, unlike Wing. |
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The scene shifts to Glen's house. Wing enters, and Glen and Steel come in shortly thereafter. Wing was musing about a "future with Lena"; Glen tells him not to make light of fortunetelling, since Glen and Steel themselves are the "Guardians of Time". The Guardians of Time exist to protect the future from danger and evil, explains Steel. And Wing, like them, has the power of a Guardian of Time!
Glen changes the subject to Wing and Lena: Wing likes Lena and wants a future with her, but if he doesn't work at it, then it'll never be. That's where his first lesson in being a Guardian of Time will come: he needs to keep Lena company, and work on his self-confidence. But during his lesson, he'll continue to unlock his ability to see the future, says Steel--they'll help him along. Glen then gives Wing a mission: he needs to go to the Men's Dungeon in town (which will give him a chance ot show Lena how much of a man he can be) and defeat the boss there.
The scene shifts back to the office building with Lena and Ellie. Another message from Steel: the monster Gear has been restless and become a problem for Iason-sensei, so, you need to go and help him--Wing will be there, so it should be easy to defeat Gear. About that time, Wing returns, telling them that they need to head over to the Men's Dungeon behind Iason's dojo. |
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Go now to the dungeon behind Iason's dojo. On your way, you'll see And and his friends; talk with Ant. He teases Wing for being around the girls all the time; Wing is reserved, but Lena angrily shoots back (and chastises Wing for being so reserved). The boys run off. Now you can go up and enter the dungeon behind the building. (Don't forget to heal Wing! He might still have 1HP from being knocked out by Zigan.)
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After defeating it, Wing says something to the effect of "now that I defeated Gear, I've shown that I'm a man", then tries to tell Lena his feelings, but slips up. Lena gets irritated at the fact that it was all three of them who fought Gear, and at Wing's reservedness.
Change scenes to the dorms. Stella and Emma are talking with the girls. Stella says she heard that Wing confessed his love for Lena, and asks how she feels about all that. Lena rejects that; he didn't confess anything, and even if that were the case, she wants someone with plenty more self-confidence than Wing. Unfortunately, Wing overheard the conversation...
So Wing runs to Glen, asking what he can do to gain some confidence. Glen tells him to continue fighting and confidence will come to him. |
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Back in the dorms, Lena and Ellie hear Wing's voice a little ways away, go to investigate, and find him fighting monsters from the Vile Tribe. The two girls help him out. Wing thanks them, but Lena says that in return, he'll need to go with them to finally defeat Zigan. Before going off, though, since you're a few levels higher, you may want to check with some of the professors to see if you can learn any new spells. |
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Leave town, go east, and enter the forest on the island again. If you want directions straight to Zigan...
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After you defeat Zigan, Wing comments that Lena is quite strong, and starts trying to say something more, but Lena turns away not even noticing what he said (his nervousness makes him mumble a bit). After that, he runs back to Glen, saying that he still can't get Lena to notice him. The curtain closes with this. |
< Chapter 8 | Chapter 10 > |
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