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Lunar 3

Lunar 3? - 2000 - Various Information from WD, Golbez, IGN, Gamers Republic

In 2000 there was a flurry of more speculation about a Lunar 3 game. While none of it panned out, that speculation is summarized here. Please note that everything here should probably be prefixed by a big "allegedly".

The storyline of the game will take place after Eternal Blue. This was confirmed by Victor Ireland of Working Designs in a message board post on WDs own message board system around early 2000.

Another fact, a person named Golbez once did an interview with Lunar scenario designer Ryousirow Hasukawa (click for interview). While nothing was said about Lunar 3 in the interview that was posted, Golbez did say that Ryousirow Hasukawa had mentioned some Lunar 3 information. GameArts intercepted it though, and the information was never released. This just goes to show GameArts is keeping a tight lid on any information about the game. With as much mystery that has surrounded the game for years now, hopefully it will live up to the hype!

On July 21st, 2000, IGN ran a Grandia II article, which had a small paragraph about LUNAR III. This is what the article said:

What’s that? Lunar III? Further Dreamcast development? Mr. Miyaji commented that Dreamcast is his favorite system, although he recognizes that both PS2 and DC have their own strengths. He couldn’t comment on future DC projects, stating that he’s working on the US version of Grandia 2 now. As for our return to the world of Lunar, Mr. Miyaji says that he likes the Lunar series and he’d definitely like to see the series continue, but he could confirm nothing.

On November 10th, 2000, IGN had an interview with Working Designs president, Victor Ireland. He shed a just a little more light about the game:

We are still looking at new projects, some of which may yet be on the Playstation 1, but we do still have our hands full with Arc the Lad Collection, since that's essentially 4 games in one (Arc I, II, III, and the Monster game that ties in to II). Of course, LUNAR 3's out there, too, but we can't really talk about the details of that yet... but I'm sure people will be dying to know about the next game once they finish playing LUNAR 2.

On December 13th, 2000, Gamers Republic had an interview with Working Designs president, Victor Ireland. He mentioned some of the key people working on LUNAR 3:

Gamers Republic Online: Can you comment on LUNAR 3? If so, what can you tell us about it?
Vic: I can't really say anything about the game except that we will release it for PS2 in the US, and that Shigema, Iwadare, and Kubooka-san are all working on it together. It will be the first truly new LUNAR engine since 1995, and I think people will be amazed by the evolution.

Also on December 13th, 2000, ANTagonist Games Network (an America Online exclusive section) had an interview with Victor Ireland. He mentioned a lot of the stuff we've already heard, but gives an approx. date to LUNAR 3's Japanese release:

ANT: Will there be a Lunar 3 in the future? If so, what will the basic plot be? And if not, why the hell not? (sent by
Vic: Yes, there is a LUNAR 3. No, I can't divulge any plot yet. Rest assured that the holy trinity of LUNAR (Iwadare, Shigema, and Kubooka-san) are together again and working hard to knock your socks off. We're working with them to make sure that the US audience gets the game as soon as possible.

ANT: With the shortage of PS2's, the strong rumors out of Japan about Lunar 3 being a Dreamcast game, and the phenomenal success of said Dreamcast, are you any closer to a decision on whether or not DC development is in Working Designs' future? (sent by
Vic: It's unlikely that LUNAR 3 will be on DC even in Japan now, since sales are extremely poor there for hardware and software and LUNAR 3 is at least 18-24 months away. The US release will be PS2 for certain, but I can't make a statement like that for Game Arts about the Japanese release, since their timing is up to them. That said, Dreamcast games are not completely out of the question for us, but they will not be a focus.

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