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Lunar 3

Lunar 3? - June 1996 - Video Games interview with Working Designs

Speculation about LUNAR 3 has been around for quite some time. It's not a new thing. In June of 1996, Video Games, a now defunct gaming magazine, ran a big interview with Working Designs about their upcoming games. Two months later, in the August 1996 issue of that same magazine, this article was published:

"More Lunar Madness to come on the Saturn: The bad news is that the U.S. translation of Lunar the Silver Star for the Saturn appears to be heading for an early '97 release(instead of the planned Christmas '96) due to delays in the Japanese version. The good news is that Game Arts, the Japanese developer of the series, is also working on a remix of Part Two, which is to be followed by a brand-new third installment! If all goes well, we could see three new Lunar games on the U.S. Saturn next year! Oh yes!"

Obviously, this didn't hold true: the remakes of TSS and EB ended up being ported to the Playstation instead, and no third installment of the Lunar series ever occurred (Magical School LUNAR! is not what they were referring to; that was a side-story and a remake of the Game Gear game, not a third installment). But, it does prove that speculation has been going since the summer of 1996!

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