Cover image.
The information text on Lucia reads:
Birthplace: Blue Star
Age: uncertain
Interests: song and singing
Other: since she has some relationship to the Goddess Althena, could she perhaps be the Goddess of the Blue Star?
Early sketches of Lucia with different-colored hair.
A few sketches of different outfit styles before they settled on the red cloak, which (the text says) they found suited her the best.
A few more rejected styles of Lucia after the costume change, and one different (completely unserious) hairstyle.
The information text on Hiro reads:
Birthplace: Salyan Desert
Age: 16
Interests: treasure hunting and adventure
Other: his parents are gone (uncertain as to why); he's innocent but has a bit of a naughty side.
Early sketches of Hiro with different features. There is a note on his tattoos, but nothing about why they're there or what purpose they serve.
The information text on Jean reads:
Birthplace: unknown
Age: 18
Interests: dance and dancing
Other: Her parents' whereabouts are unknown; also, she is very adept at martial arts.
Early sketches of Jean before they settled on fans.
Sketches of Jean once she becomes a full martial artist.
Alternative sketches of Jean as a dancer. The one at the bottom-right was the most popular before they settled on her current design (though not sure if they meant this tongue-in-cheek or not...).
The information text on Ronfar reads:
Birthplace: Raculi in West Katarina
Age: 19
Interests: hustling/gambling and drinking
Other: childhood friends with Leo and Mauri; he is a former elite priest, so he could be intelligent.
Alternative sketches of Ronfar's clothing, and close-up of his dice.
The information text on Lemina reads:
Birthplace: Vane in East Katarina
Age: 16
Interests: getting money
Other: lives with her mother; tirelessly works towards the reconstruction of the Magic Guild.
Early sketches of Lemina, making it clearer that she's one of Mia Ausa's descendants.
The information text on Ruby reads:
Birthplace: Salyan Desert?
Age: unknown
Interests: being close to Hiro
Other: She became a full dragon while on an adventure, and recently has been talking about being closer to Nall.
Never used in the game, these are some sketches of possible human forms of Ruby. They called the human version(s) of her "Mink".
The information text on Nall reads:
Birthplace: unknown
Age: estimated 500-600
Interests: karaoke
Other: the sword on his back is emotionally wrapped up with Luna's old scarf.
Few more sketches of Nall, and notes on Gwyn. The text notes that Gwyn raised Hiro, but doesn't say anything about whether or not he's biologically related to him (the later Thirty Questions section confirms that he is not).
The information text on Mauri reads:
Birthplace: Raculi in the Marius Zone
Age: 16
Interests: cooking
Other: she was made to drink the blood of Zophar by the False Althena and thereby controlled; she is the Red Priestess of Althena's Guard.
The information text on Leo reads:
Birthplace: Raculi in the Marius Zone
Age: 18
Interests: sword training
Other: he seriously enjoys going around the world doing incredible deeds.
Some early sketches of Mauri, including her as a centaur. This was rejected for being too "beast-"like.
Other early sketches of Leo, also one with him as a centaur. These all looked a little too ferocious for the look they wanted.
The information text for Lunn reads:
Birthplace: Horam in West Katarina
Age: unknown
Interests: training his body
Other: beneath his serious mask is the leader of the Black Karate of Death.
The information text for Borgan reads:
Birthplace: Vane in East Katarina
Age: unknown
Interests: stamp collecting
Other: although he's neurotic about magic power and has made an enemy of Lemina, his ill feelings have faded away now.
The information text for (False) Althena reads:
Birthplace: unknown
Age: unknown
Interests: looking in the mirror?
Other: she's really a pitiful woman who does whatever it takes to hold onto her beauty.
The information text for Ghaleon reads:
Birthplace: Vane (possibly centuries ago)
Age: he's actually dead
Interests: collecting ancient books
Other: he has a soft side, protecting the fairies at the Mystic Ruins from extinction.
Alternative sketches for Ghaleon, including alternative weapons (like a whip).
Some sketches of Zophar and his lair. (There are more on subsequent pages that we didn't scan in.)
Sketches of the White Dragon (and White Fiend), as well as some concepts of the White Dragon Cave. The concept art of the cave wasn't ultimately worked into the Sega CD version, but it was eventually worked into the Saturn version.
Sketches of the Red Dragon (and Red Fiend).
Sketches of the Blue Dragon, and some concepts of the Blue Dragon Cave. Similarly, the concept art of the caves wasn't ultimately worked in to the Sega CD version, but it was eventually worked into the Saturn version.
Sketches of the Black Dragon (and Black Fiend).
Sketches of Hiro's Home, the small skiff they had, and the Blue Spire.
Alternate sketches of the Dragonship Destiny.
Final design of the Dragonship Destiny.
Sketches of Vane and Taben's Peak.
Sketches of the Carnival and some wyvern riders. Wyverns were originally going to be used to escape the Carnival (instead of the Magic Arrow).
Sketches of Lucia.
This is also the start of the article about how Lunar II was made possible. We don't yet have a translation available for that.
More sketches of Lucia (including more modern-looking dress styles), and continuation of the article.
Really early sketches of Jean's outfits and design, and continuation of the article.
Some early sketches of Althena's Guard. In one of these, the Black Dragon Wizard (now Borgan) was origially going to be female, and the Red Dragon Priestess (Mauri) and White Dragon Knight (Leo) were originally going to be much more heavily-armored.
Very very early on, Lunar II was theorized as a continuation of Lunar I, so there were some sketches of the Lunar I characters as adults -- like here we have Alex and Luna about a decade older than in the games.
This is also the start of the long interview with Kei Shigema and Toshiyuki Kubooka. We have a translation for that by Maou here: Interview (Creators).
Continuing from the previous page, here are also some sketches of Mia as an older woman than in the games.
Continuing from the previous page, here are some sketches of Ramus and Jessica a bit older than in the games.
Continuing from the previous page, they also put together some "fun sketches" of the Lunar girls.
We have some brief bios of the Lunar II voice acting cast here.
Continuing from the previous page, here are more brief bios of the Lunar II voice acting cast.
Thirty Questions about Lunar (Part 1/3).
We have a translation of all thirty questions and answers here: Thirty Questions about Lunar.
Thirty Questions about Lunar (Part 2/3).
We have a translation of all thirty questions and answers here: Thirty Questions about Lunar.
Thirty Questions about Lunar (Part 3/3).
We have a translation of all thirty questions and answers here: Thirty Questions about Lunar.
Final 4-panel comic and little short story about Ronfar.
Lunar I character info for Alex (as Alex Noah in the text).
Lunar I character info for Alex, continued.
Lunar I character info for Luna (as Luna Noah in the text).
Lunar I character info for Luna, continued.
Lunar I character info for Mia (as Mia Ausa in the text).
Lunar I character info for Nash (as Nash Lumack/Rumach/Lumach... whatever, in the text).
Lunar I character info for Jessica (as Jessica Alkirk, no "de", in the text).
Lunar I character info for Kyle (just Kyle) and Ramus (Ramus Farmine, in the text).
Lunar I character info for Nall and Dragonmaster Dyne.
Lunar I character info for Fresca and Tempest.
Lunar I character info for Laike, Myght (Myght Farn in the text), and Taben.
Lunar I character info for Mel (as Mel de Alkirk in the text), Lemia (as Lemia Ausa in the text), and Xenobia.
Lunar I character info for Ghaleon.
Lunar I character info for Ghaleon, continued.
Publishing info about the Lunar I-II Official Artbook.