Thank you for using this guide. I'm Kizyr. If you'd like to contact me then you can either post on the LunarNET Forums or email me at . But please, don't email me with minor questions or anything about the game that could be easily answered by the walkthrough itself. At the bottom of this page I also have a few questions I'd like to get out of the way first; if you do have a question please take a look there before emailing me.
Thanks also for actually visiting a credits page. A lot of work went into this, and it's not like I was able to do everything without at least a bit of assistance. Especially since AOL offers a measly 2MB of space, GhaleonOne and the rest of the LunarNET staff deserve much gratitude for hosting the site.
Now, as I already said, I made this walkthrough based on the Japanese version. So, spells, items, and everything I have listed here how I chose to translate them. They might be different from how it is in the American version because 1) I don't need to worry about fitting item or spell names into a certain space, and 2) Whoever translated Lunar: Legend into English did an awful job. So, that being said, please don't email me saying that I translated something wrong unless it actually is translated incorrectly, and you're using the Japanese version as a basis of comparison, not the translation job.
A note about the translation and spoilers: plot summaries I try to give as they come to minimize absolutely any occurence of premature spoilers--in other words, I try not to ruin anything until you come to the point in the game when you find out major plot-twists and such yourself. In this way, you should be able to use this walkthrough as a resource without encountering any unexpected spoilers. As an added bonus like my Lunar: Walking School Walkthrough if you hover over any of the screenshots in the sections then a caption will appear translating the shot. It's also been a while since I wrote the L:WS walkthrough, so my Japanese proficiency has increased, but I'd still like to remind you that I am not fluent. So, if you have any corrections (major ones) then feel free to let me know. Please let them be plot-related, also, since translation is an art. So no questions like: "Why did you translate Fidy as Quark?" and the like, unless you want the rude response: "I felt like it".
One other note, if you wish to contact me then please, I repeat, please don't ask any questions that could be easily answered with the walkthrough (e.g., "where do I go after I leave the transmission spring?"). Also, no vague questions (e.g., "what do i do when i go to that other town?"). And no emulation-related questions. If you send anything that falls into those categories don't expect a reply.
One thing I would very much appreciate, though, is emails on parts of the walkthrough that may be missing. If there are items you found, for instance, that aren't listed then please email me regarding them. A screenshot or some way of letting me know where they can be obtained would also help greatly. I'll try to give you some credit here, link any site you want, and update the guide accordingly.
Anyway, that's enough ranting for now. Please, enjoy, and support Game Arts, Lunar, and even Working Designs wherever possible. KF
I owe the biggest thanks right now to LunarNET. LunarNET and G1 are the ones who made it possible for me to host all 5MB of this guide, without popups, ads, or any of that extraneous crap. Plus, they have the best Lunar site and forums around. |
Game Arts for bringing out the great Lunar series to begin with, ensuring forever my love of this series and RPG's in general. That little game they call Grandia is pretty nice, too (although, I have the import so I haven't experienced the allegedly-infamous dubbing job, nor have I had time to finish the bloody game). |
Media Rings Corporation and Media Rings Tokyo-City need to be thanked for bringing out Lunar: Legend in the first place. Although, we still don't have a domestic release... Oh well. |
If anyone, Working Designs deserves at the very least an incredible amount of my personal gratitude for being the ones to bring out the Lunar series in the United States. If it weren't for them, I wouldn't be here today--and I wouldn't still have mint copies of the Sega CD Lunar: TSS and Lunar: EB (and Vay and Popful Mail, as well as all of their Saturn translated RPG's) sitting in my room. Oh yeah, and that little thing about how I like their name translations so much I prefer to use them. |
I must thank everyone at the LunarNET Forums for providing a few people who may actually use this walkthrough. Thanks everyone {^^}. |
Davesite, Interactive HTML Tutorial is where I look to check up on html codes and such. This is an incredible html walkthrough; no matter what level of experience you have this site will teach you how to work html easily; in fact, I'd argue that this site is worth more than any books you can buy on regular html. He's starting up some basic java tutorials now, too. |
IrfanView is a freeware graphic viewer that converts files back and forth to several formats and allows some cut/paste, size change, resolution change, etc. options along with it. At a few points it was more useful than Paint Shop Pro, plus it's free. This was the other major graphics editor used; I suggest you check it out. |
JASC Software are the makers of Paint Shop Pro. A bit frustrating to use, it was helpful for the time being in making the pictures around here. |
Jim Breen's WWWJDIC is a great lookup for both Japanese characters and words online. I used it plenty of times and it has multiple styles of lookup--including a handwritten interface in the works. Check it out if you're interested in the language itself. |
For character lookups oftentimes I used the New Nelson Japanese-English Character Dictionary when I needed to find particular characters. It's probably the best there is once you learn how to use it, albeit a mite expensive. |
Alunissage, who provided me with some help from her $18 guide on several hidden Red Treasure Chest locations, and Gallery pics 47 and 48. |
As if my rant above wasn't enough, I'd just like to cover a few questions so I won't have to bother with most of them in the future. Besides, other people have an unrelated FAQ section (or in this case, SAQ for Seldom-Asked-Questions), I figure I can too:
Q: I found an item that isn't in your list...
A: Then please let me know. The list may be inconclusive, so if you could then email me a screenshot or some way of showing me what the item / name looks like and what it's used for. A shot of the description would help, too.
Q: I found a red treasure chest that isn't in your list...
A: Then please let me know where it is and when it can be accessed in the game. Again, I'll link to any site you want and give mention here.
Q: What is "l33t"?
A: That would be l33t 5p34k (read: 'elite speak'). L33t means 'elite', but I only use it in sarcasm. Hence, it's the perfect term to describe Nash.
Q: My Japanese friend / friend who knows some Japanese says you translated X incorrectly...
A: If it's a major plot-related mistake, then please email me. Otherwise, know that translation isn't an exact science; I try to convey overall meaning, and sometimes accuracy suffers in the interest of understanding. If you don't know if it's plot-related, then just ask yourself if the mistaken translation says something blatantly wrong about the plot or characters.
Q: Can you translate something in Japanese for me?
A: I might be able to. But unless I owe you a favour, then I won't.
Q: Can you make a text version so that I can print it out or you can submit it to GameFAQs?
A: First off, if you really want you can either print up the sections individually or copy-and-paste all the text into WordPad, then print it up. Secondly, although I love GameFAQs and use their database often, I prefer creating comprehensive and more interactive guides. A text version of this guide would feel incomplete, so I won't do one.
Q: Can I use your guide and post it somewhere?
A: No. You may link it, but you may not repost any large parts of this guide anywhere. A few lines or a paragraph is the limit.
Q: It's supposed to be Arhes and Killy, and Luhna, why did you translate all the names wrong?
A: Alex and Kyle are a lot more pleasant to read than Arhes and Killy. Besides which, Killy sounds too effeminate. Bottom line is, they sounded better. If I wanted to preserve some sense of accuracy, I could've gone all the way and translated them as Aresu and Kirii, but they simply look better this way (and, *gasp* I actually like how Working Designs translated the names). Just imagine how difficult it would be if I told you to stock up on "hiiru doroppu" and "mentaru gamu".
Q: Why did you translate Weird Woods as Goat Forest?
A: I couldn't remember their original name for the life of me (brain lapse, since I remember the original TSS backwards and forwards, but SSS always escapes me--and the Weird Woods is in both). So, I just had to make a guess from the Japanese title, which is Goat Forest. Same thing with Heal Drops instead of Herbs, and Mental Drops instead of Starlights.
Q: Do you know where I can find an emulator or ROM for this game?
A: I know many things.
Q: Can you tell me?
A: No.
Q: Can I link to this site?
A: Yes, feel free.
Q: Now will you link to mine?
A: Did you contribute?
Q: Well, no...
A: Then no.
Q: Then maybe I shouldn't link here.
A: Suits me.